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Left turning on Obama - California 15th District Rep. Eric Swalwell is blaming yesterday's San Francisco plane crash on sequester cuts that Obama demanded in the debt ceiling deal in 2011
Rhamaland: 63 people shot since Wednesday
Master of war: The Nobel Peace Prize winner for 2009,
Barack Hussein Obama, is now involved in 74 nations
where the U.S. is either fighting wars or "helping" some
force in some proxy struggle
Obama is expected to run up an Air Force One
tab of at least $24 million for this year alone
COMING SOON: The Ron Paul Channel --
an exclusive online platform that’s going to change
the news and deliver the truth, uncensored!
The mainstream media was up in arms when Bush’s
warrant-less wiretapping program was exposed. But
when the presstitutes main man Barack Hussein Obama
destroys the Fourth Amendment, they remain predictably quiet.
The United Nations continues it's efforts to
trample on America's Second Amendment rights
Obamacare was sold on two flagrantly false promises:
that you could keep the insurance you have and
that prices for insurance would drop
Top 10 anti-imflammatory foods that protect against cancer
Seattle Pridefest marchers viciously attacked a Christian
street preacher -
Be tolorent or we will beat you into submission
Russian troops to "help" with American
disasters on American soil?
The answer to 1984 is 1776 - - Exposing the corruption -
Fighting for freedom... The Alex Jones Broadcast:

Left turning on Obama - California 15th District Rep. Eric Swalwell is blaming yesterday's San Francisco plane crash on sequester cuts that Obama demanded in the debt ceiling deal in 2011
Rhamaland: 63 people shot since Wednesday
Master of war: The Nobel Peace Prize winner for 2009,
Barack Hussein Obama, is now involved in 74 nations
where the U.S. is either fighting wars or "helping" some
force in some proxy struggle
Obama is expected to run up an Air Force One
tab of at least $24 million for this year alone
COMING SOON: The Ron Paul Channel --
an exclusive online platform that’s going to change
the news and deliver the truth, uncensored!
The mainstream media was up in arms when Bush’s
warrant-less wiretapping program was exposed. But
when the presstitutes main man Barack Hussein Obama
destroys the Fourth Amendment, they remain predictably quiet.
The United Nations continues it's efforts to
trample on America's Second Amendment rights
Obamacare was sold on two flagrantly false promises:
that you could keep the insurance you have and
that prices for insurance would drop
Top 10 anti-imflammatory foods that protect against cancer
Seattle Pridefest marchers viciously attacked a Christian
street preacher -
Be tolorent or we will beat you into submission
Russian troops to "help" with American
disasters on American soil?
The answer to 1984 is 1776 - - Exposing the corruption -
Fighting for freedom... The Alex Jones Broadcast:
And in our "Welcome To The World Of Obama" column:
Police State USA
Pennsylvania child welfare services abduct
three-day-old baby from mother
because she ate a bagel with poppy seeds
Police State USA
Pennsylvania child welfare services abduct
three-day-old baby from mother
because she ate a bagel with poppy seeds

Weekly radio program Internet broadcast -
Latest political news & analysis -
WCBC 1270am - Every Saturday
10:08 am - 1 pm PACIFIC TIME
11:08 am - 2 pm MOUNTAIN TIME
12:08 pm - 3 pm CENTRAL TIME
1:08 pm - 4 pm EASTERN TIME
Listen at this link: http://www.wcbcradio.com/
If link doesn't take you directly there, copy and paste... it is the correct link.
Featured Song Of The Day

The Beatles - Get Back

Weekly radio program Internet broadcast -
Latest political news & analysis -
WCBC 1270am - Every Saturday
10:08 am - 1 pm PACIFIC TIME
11:08 am - 2 pm MOUNTAIN TIME
12:08 pm - 3 pm CENTRAL TIME
1:08 pm - 4 pm EASTERN TIME
Listen at this link: http://www.wcbcradio.com/
If link doesn't take you directly there, copy and paste... it is the correct link.
Featured Song Of The Day

The Beatles - Get Back
July 7, 1940