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Trying to avoid a mid-term train wreck, Obama delays
Obamacare employer mandate until after 2014 elections
America: Government by terror, torture and tyranny
Trends forcaster Gerald Celente give us the state of the union
UnitedHealth leaves California insurance market
Former senior legal counsel at the World Bank
turned whistle-blower Karen Hudes, talks about
the corruption inside the World Bank
Students DESTROY NSA Recruiters at University
of Wisconsin Over Illegal Spying and Lies (Listen)
Obama's Muslim Brotherhood buddy Mohamed Morsi
has been driven out of power in Egypt. What's the next
logical step for Morsi supporters? Torch Coptic Christian
churches and homes, of course.
Muslim Brotherhood lover Barack Hussein Obama
shows support for Morsi with threat to suspend
$1.5 billion in foreign aid to Egypt
Pittsburgh company offered free fireworks
show for Camp Lejeune... Obama regime said NO
show for Camp Lejeune... Obama regime said NO
And in our "Welcome To The World Of Obama" column:

Possible jail time for woman in Sugar Creek, Missouri
who re-purposed some old tires to design a flower garden

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WCBC 1270am - Every Saturday
10:08 am - 1 pm PACIFIC TIME
11:08 am - 2 pm MOUNTAIN TIME
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1:08 pm - 4 pm EASTERN TIME
Listen at this link: http://www.wcbcradio.com/
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Featured Song of the Day

Released in February 1967