Tuesday, July 16, 2013

TOP HEADLINES - July 16, 2013

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Wilhelm Furtwängler

One year ago today: Hillary Clinton is shown
how much she is loved during her visit to Egypt


Obama's PRISM spying program had everybody doing his
dirty work - Microsoft, Google, Apple, Skype, among others


The only way to make certain the Affordable Care Act
won’t be defunded or repealed is to create a large number
of subsidized Obamacare dependents as quickly as possible.
A number
sufficient enough to intimidate Congress out of
defunding the economy crippling Obamacare

Barack Obama's totalitarian regime considers you a subject,
not a citizen. In conjunction with Obama's unconstitutional
NSA surveillance,
the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau,
is compiling a massive database of citizens' personal information—including monthly credit-card, mortgage, car and other payments


Do you trust the IRS with all your healthcare information?
When the government controls your healthcare,
the government controls you.
IRS exposes 100,000 social security numbers - posts on-line


Alex Jones Speaks at The Liberty and Truth Conference -
Austin Texas - July 6, 2013


Senator Ted Cruz introduces legislation
to totally defund Obamacare


Spy vs. Spy: Obama now wants reports from retailers -
New FBI video advises that retailers write down pertinent
information, such as names, addresses, physical descriptions,
license plates and telephone numbers of those who exhibit
“suspicious activity.”


Big Sis, Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet "if you
see something, say something" Napolitano, resigns:


Some of the accomplishments of Janet "Big Sis" Napolitano
during her reign as Obama's Homeland Security secretary


Former Chief CIA asset covering Iraq and Libya at
the United Nations, Susan Lindauer,
says Bush and
Cheney knew about 9/11 months before it happened


Obama's presstitute media gets called out over blatant
race baiting and deception on Trayvon Martin case


And from our, "we just can't make this stuff up" file:
Obama's Department of Homeland Security lists
liberty-lovers and
citizens concerned about the loss
of American sovereignty as potential terrorists



And in our "Welcome To The World Of Obama" column:
Police State USA

Emblema Stasi.svg
The Obama regime now requires federal
employees to keep "closer tabs" on their co-workers


Composer of the day

Anton Bruckner
Work: Symphony No. 8 in C minor
Orchestra: Vienna Philharmonic
Conductor: Wilhelm Furtwängler
Recording Location: Wiener Musikverein, Großer Saal, Vienna

Recording Date: April 24, 1954

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