Thursday, July 18, 2013

TOP HEADLINES - July 18, 2013

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Another DOJ scandal, as t
he most divisive President
in American History sets the stage once again pitting
Americans against Americans -
Professional Race Baiters -
Obama, Holder, Jackson, Sharpton, NAACP -
They have an agenda to keep racism alive and well

Were there serious crimes committed in the
Zimmerman case that should be prosecuted? You bet.

Obama's $62 billion unconstitutional maneuver

Maine passes law prohibiting warrantless cell phone tracking

Foreign Aid: Legalized theft on a global scale

The nanosized aluminum particles found in
chem-trails are contributing heavily to degenerative
disease today - - Dr. Russell L. Blaylock

U.S. repeals propagnada ban, spreads
government-made news to Americans

Senator Rand Paul suspects Hillary Clinton
lied under oath  - calls out former Secretary of State
over her testimony on Benghazi

The executive branch coup against America has succeeded.
The criminals have seized power. Obama
has declared that
he possesses constitutionally forbidden rights, and his regime
has used them to oppress U.S. citizens.

DHS warns employees not to read leaked NSA information
about how they spy on international communications

Montana passes anti-government spying bill, that requires
the government to obtain a probable cause warrant before
spying on you through your cell phone or laptop

In the 2002 PBS documentary America Rebuilds,
Larry Silverstein admitted to complicity in the controlled
demolition of WTC-7, a 47-story skyscraper that dropped
into its own footprint in 6.5 seconds on 9/11

 And in our "Welcome To The World Of Obama" column:

A 12-year-old girl at a school in Forest Hills, New York
was arrested by police and marched out of her school in
handcuffs just because she doodled on her desk
Candidate Spotlight
Doug Truax for Illinois Senate 2014:

Sen. Dick Durbin and his crew have been in charge in Illinois
for years. Their policies are not working, yet they continue
to pursue them again and again as we sink deeper into
economic stagnation. Let's defeat the Dick Durbin machine.

Composer Of The Day Sergei Rachmaninov
Work: Symphony No. 2 in e minor, opus27
Composed: Between October 1906 and April 1907
Orchestra: Radio Filharmonisch
Conductor: Eivind Gullberg Jensen

Recording Location: Concertgebouw Amsterdam