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Dodge Challenger
In a secretly unannounced move over the 4th of July
weekend, Obama signs executive order to shutdown
and control all U.S. communications as he dictates
Bailing on Obama before the regime collapses? Department
of Homeland Security Secretary, Janet Napolitano, resigns
leaving legacy of corruption, lies, lawsuits and waste
Why did the Obama regime "organize and manage"
protests against George Zimmerman?
Apple has been found guilty of conspiring with
book publishers to raise the retail prices of e-books
House of Representatives $3 billion IRS
spending cut proposal? What a joke.
Not enough... Abolish The IRS!
Muslim Brotherhood continue to kill Christians and
children in Egypt after President Morsi is ousted
The Insider Threat Program, (having federal
workers spy on each other), is yet another
Gestapo tactic from the Obama regime
It’s good to be friends of King Obama. Raise lots
of money for your buddy Obama? That makes you
eligible for primary ambassador posts around the world
No amnesty. No illegal alien pathway. No backdoor deals.
Obama continues to borrow money from China to give
to other countries. U.S. foreign aid to Egypt alone is
$1.5 billion a year plus Obama still intends to deliver
four more F-16 fighter jets to them in the next few weeks.
Obama's philosophy... spy on everyone. All Americans
are potential enemy combatants to his totalitarian regime
And from our, "we just can't make this stuff up" file:
Always prioritizing... two of Obama's buddies in the House of Representatives, Donna Edwards and Eddie Bernice Johnson,
have proposed legislation (H.R. 2617), that would establish
a national historical park on the surface of the moon
And in our "Welcome To The World Of Obama" column:
Police State USA
Murderous militarized police use SWAT teams
to raid citizens homes for trivial crimes
Police State USA
Murderous militarized police use SWAT teams
to raid citizens homes for trivial crimes
Artist of the Day

Long John Baldry
Released June 1971
Don't try to lay no boogie-woogie on the king of rock and roll

Obama's plan is to chip away at our constitutional rights little by little, and state by state until we have no rights left at all. It is important we all e-mail New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to uphold his oath to protect the Constitution and our 2nd amendment rights by vetoing new bills that will limit our right to bear arms.
1. E-mail Governor Christie at this website:
2. Copy and paste this suggested message
Dear Gov. Christie,
I’m counting on you. The people of New Jersey are counting on you. And the American people are counting on you to do the right thing - uphold your oath of office and defend the Second Amendment and our fundamental civil rights from an unprecedented attack by big-government anti-gun extremists.
Please don’t let Senator Sweeney and other New Jersey gun-grabbers trample our Constitution. I respectfully ask that you VETO each and every gun control bill that the Legislature sends you. Some bills making their way to you include:
S2723 / A4182: many new burdens on Second Amendment rights.
A3659 / S2178: redefines “destructive device” to include many common firearms.
S2804 / A4152: increases penalties to laws that ensnare peaceful citizens.
S2467 / A3668: hurts public pensions by banning investment in high-performing firearm industry corporations.
S2485 / A3687: takes away civil rights of people on a secret government “watch list”.
It’s not enough for you to ignore these proposals -- you must VETO THESE BILLS and send them back to the Legislature with a strong message: our Second Amendment rights are not up for debate!

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