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Police and firefighters ordered not to speak
about Michael Hastings automobile explosion -
LAPD refuses to release police report to journalists
TSA sniffing bags in Texas shopping mall?
Texas shopper films TSA K9 agent in San Antonio mall
Obama's buddy James Clapper, the Director of
National Intelligence, finally admits he lied to the
Senate Intelligence Committee
IRS, DOJ, SEC: Three-letter abbreviations for 'Federal Bully' -
Public entities act like playground bullies targeting
journalists and whistle-blowers
The theocratic totalitarians of the Muslim Brotherhood
are spilling blood in the streets in Egypt
Always prioritizing, like working on America's failing
economy, two House Democrats have proposed
legislation (H.R. 2617), that would establish a national
historical park on the surface of the moon
Passing any version of Marco Rubio's amnesty bill
would be worse public policy than passing nothing
Obama is glad to let the public believe the lie his father
was a Kenyan goat herder to suppress his true communist
background and the fact his real father was not Kenyan,
but communist Frank Marshall Davis
Obama suspends the law - Like King James II,
Obama decides not to enforce laws he doesn't like
The answer to 1984 is 1776 - - Exposing the corruption -
Fighting for freedom... The Alex Jones Broadcast:
Turn off the presstitutes, and turn on the truth -
Coming Soon: The Ron Paul Channel
And from our, we can't make this stuff up file:
Psycho nut-job Florida Governor, Rick Scott, bans
computers and smart phones in all of Florida
And in our "Welcome To The World Of Obama" column:
Police State USA
Texas women sue after humiliating and
unconstitutional body cavity searches on roadside
Police State USA
Texas women sue after humiliating and
unconstitutional body cavity searches on roadside
Composer of the day

Robert Schumann
Work: Symphony No. 4
Orchestra: Berlin Philharmonic
Conductor: Wilhelm Furtwängler
Recorded in Berlin: May 14, 1953