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Happy days are here again - Thea Walstra
More artwork by Thea Walstra here: http://www.artwanted.com/artist.cfm?ArtID=12043
Utah Senator Mike Lee wants to defund Obamacare
Collateral Damage: QE3 and the shadow banking system
More proof that we are governed by an unaccountable secret
shadow government. The Senate's top tax-writers have
promised their colleagues 50 years worth of secrecy (nothing
to be revealed before 2064), in exchange for suggestions
on what deductions and credits to protect in tax reform
Retro Classics (1997): Alex Jones and Jeff Davis
expose the New World Order:
Ready to monitor your every move:
Homeland Security's new $3.9 billion headquarters
Cop fired for speaking out against ticket and arrest quotas
Obama's latest multi-state propaganda tour,
focuses on the economy to distract from all
his scandals and falling poll numbers
Obama's talk about "phony" scandals on his
latest psycho propaganda tour is just one more
Big Lie and he's fooling fewer and fewer Americans
Charles Strange, father of Navy SEAL Michael Strange,
calls in to the Michael Savage radio program and
reveals suspicious details of his son’s death -
San Diego Mayor Bob Filner: The latest beneficiary of
Nancy Pelosi’s Democratic Male Perv Protection Racket
IRS targeted Tea Party member, Becky Gerritson,
is interviewed on Neil Cavuto Program hosted by
Stuart Varney in response to Obama calling all
the scandals he is facing as "phony" and "fake"
Debt levels are skyrocketing world wide...
How long can this possibly keep going?
Excellent interview (July 25, 2013), with former
Seattle police chief Norm Stamper who is now a
member of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition:
Former NSA operative Wayne Madsen, discusses
Obama's attempt to thwart investigative journalism
and other anti-American policies of the current regime
Composer Of The Day

Igor Stravinsky
Work: The Firebird (1919 Version)
Orchestra: Seoul Philharmonic
Conductor: Myung-Whun Chung
Recording Date: April 12, 2012
Recording Location: Korean Art Centre Concert Hall,Seoul Korea

Weekly radio program Internet broadcast -
Latest political news & analysis -
WCBC 1270 am - Every Saturday
10:08 am - 1 pm PACIFIC TIME
11:08 am - 2 pm MOUNTAIN TIME
12:08 pm - 3 pm CENTRAL TIME
1:08 pm - 4 pm EASTERN TIME
Listen at this link:

Happy days are here again - Thea Walstra
More artwork by Thea Walstra here: http://www.artwanted.com/artist.cfm?ArtID=12043
Utah Senator Mike Lee wants to defund Obamacare
Collateral Damage: QE3 and the shadow banking system
More proof that we are governed by an unaccountable secret
shadow government. The Senate's top tax-writers have
promised their colleagues 50 years worth of secrecy (nothing
to be revealed before 2064), in exchange for suggestions
on what deductions and credits to protect in tax reform
Retro Classics (1997): Alex Jones and Jeff Davis
expose the New World Order:
Ready to monitor your every move:
Homeland Security's new $3.9 billion headquarters
Cop fired for speaking out against ticket and arrest quotas
Obama's latest multi-state propaganda tour,
focuses on the economy to distract from all
his scandals and falling poll numbers
Obama's talk about "phony" scandals on his
latest psycho propaganda tour is just one more
Big Lie and he's fooling fewer and fewer Americans
Charles Strange, father of Navy SEAL Michael Strange,
calls in to the Michael Savage radio program and
reveals suspicious details of his son’s death -
San Diego Mayor Bob Filner: The latest beneficiary of
Nancy Pelosi’s Democratic Male Perv Protection Racket
IRS targeted Tea Party member, Becky Gerritson,
is interviewed on Neil Cavuto Program hosted by
Stuart Varney in response to Obama calling all
the scandals he is facing as "phony" and "fake"
Debt levels are skyrocketing world wide...
How long can this possibly keep going?
Excellent interview (July 25, 2013), with former
Seattle police chief Norm Stamper who is now a
member of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition:
Former NSA operative Wayne Madsen, discusses
Obama's attempt to thwart investigative journalism
and other anti-American policies of the current regime
And in our "Welcome To The World Of Obama" column:
Police State USA
The Obama regime is demanding major Internet
companies turn over user passwords as the
Obama spying on America expands
The Obama regime is demanding major Internet
companies turn over user passwords as the
Obama spying on America expands
Composer Of The Day

Igor Stravinsky
Work: The Firebird (1919 Version)
Orchestra: Seoul Philharmonic
Conductor: Myung-Whun Chung
Recording Date: April 12, 2012
Recording Location: Korean Art Centre Concert Hall,Seoul Korea

Weekly radio program Internet broadcast -
Latest political news & analysis -
WCBC 1270 am - Every Saturday
10:08 am - 1 pm PACIFIC TIME
11:08 am - 2 pm MOUNTAIN TIME
12:08 pm - 3 pm CENTRAL TIME
1:08 pm - 4 pm EASTERN TIME
Listen at this link: