Nearly 30 Sheriffs have signed a lawsuit to overturn the
latest slew of gun control laws passed by the Colorado
legislature and signed by Governor John Hickenlooper
A new Washington Post-ABC News poll finds
that a group of once loyal Democrats has been
steadily turning against Obamacare
Obama’s unelected bureaucrat, Treasury Secretary
Jack Lew, just committed fraud by unilaterally hiking the
national debt of the United States another $51 billion
dollars exceeding the debt limit approved by Congress
Ron Paul: Time for government, Federal Reserve, and
Wall Street to stop 'stealing from the American people'
Victims of the government's South Carolina Eugenics
forced sterilization program may be compensated with
$10 million allotted in new budget for reparations
SEAL Team 6 families force Congress to investigate
mysterious 2011 chopper crash, after fake Bin Laden raid
Just another mini-vacation for Obama, and a
colossal effort to divert the public's attention from
the coming Obamacare crash, Fast and Furious,
Benghazi, NSA, and IRS scandals, with his latest
multi-city public relations campaign on the economy
Tea Party fake/Obama-Republican Michele Bachmann,
supports NSA destruction of the 4th Amendment
Final vote results for House proposal to defund
NSA spying. All Representatives who voted no
must be voted out of office
Lawyer Jay Sekulow, from the American Center for Law
and Justice, is interviewed about the IRS Chief Counsel's
role in the IRS Tea Party targeting/profiling scandal
134 traitorous Republicans and 83 traitorous Democrats
joined Obama to support continued spying on millions of
innocent Americans by the NSA, rather than protect our
4th Amendment rights. They must all be voted out of office!
The following Republicans voted with Obama and
against Rep. Justin Amash’s Amendment to stop the
NSA from spying on millions of innocent Americans
More death and destruction: Weapons manufacturers
in the military industrial complex are partying big time,
as the House of Representatives have passed a Fiscal
Year 2014 military spending bill, setting aside $595 billion
for military funding, including $82.3 billion for war funding
Since Obama considers all Americans enemies of the
state and his fascist agenda, the NSA will be building
a new data center to collect our private information.
The new facility located in Fort Meade, Maryland is to
be completed by 2016, at a cost of $895 million
Spoken like a true dictator on his latest roadshow,
Obama denounces Congress for focusing on "phony" scandals
Artist of the Day

The Dave Clark Five - Glad All Over
Released in November 1963

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