TOP HEADLINES - July 14, 2013
If clicking links won't take you there directly, copy and paste. All links are correct.
Obama orders government workers to spy on one another
Guilty until proven innocent: How the press
prosecuted Zimmerman while stoking racial tension
7 ways the Obama regime has accelerated police militarization
Adam Kokesh arrested in military-style raid on his home
for loading a shotgun inside Washington, DC limits - and
(oh, what a surprise), dirty cops plant drugs in the process
Horror as patient wakes up in New York
hospital with doctors trying to harvest her
organs for transplant profits
Latest tests conclude, Pepsi still contains
cancer-causing carcinogen
Microsoft has collaborated closely with United States
intelligence services to allow users’ communications
to be intercepted, including helping Obama’s NSA to
circumvent the company’s own encryption:
Fascist Chris Rock loves his "daddy boss"
Barack Obama, and feels everyone should
do exactly as he says without questioning
his motives or the outcome of his decisions
At the 2012 Soul Train Music Awards, fascist
Jamie Foxx declares Barack Hussein Obama
is our lord and savior
To continue their need to fan the flames of racial division
Obama's Justice Department, spent taxpayer dollars
to help organize and implement plans for the initial
string of rallies in Sanford, Florida following the 2012
shooting death of Trayvon Martin
Obama is trying to destroy the sovereignty of our country
by merging the United States with the European Union.
It is called the Transatlantic Trade and Investment
Partnership (TTIP). We must e-mail (suggested message below),
our District Representative and both our Senators to
put a stop to this and save what's left of America.
Find your District Representative here:
Find your Senators here:
Copy and paste this message and e-mail to your
Representative and both Senators. It's quick and easy ----
Dear Senator _______________,
Dear Representative __________________,
has been brought to my attention that the first round of the
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations has
been proceeding in Washington, D.C. largely under the radar. Although
there has been relatively little coverage of the confab thus far,
European and American officials and privileged “stakeholders” are busily
negotiating agreements on a host of issues that would, if adopted,
radically transform America.
The TTIP is being billed as a trade
agreement and marketed by the Obama administration and corporate
sponsors as an initiative that will almost magically create millions of
jobs and usher in wave after wave of innovation and prosperity.
American public is not falling for this "21st century NAFTA" scam. In
reality there is a stealth agenda behind this “trade” agreement; the
ultimate aim of the TTIP promoters is the economic and political merger
of the United States with the European Union.
Of course many of
the pro-TTIP players in this supposedly diverse cast will hold clashing
opinions on a multitude of issues, though they tend to agree on one
fundamental issue: global governance, which is merely a euphemism for
global government.
As someone who treasures our individual
sovereignty as a nation, I urge you to put our country and our
Constitution first and do all within your power to crush all possible
mergers with the European Union and defeat anything associated with the

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Artist of the Day

Ten Years After - Sugar The Road