Monday, July 29, 2013

TOP HEADLINES - July 29, 2013

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RKO Palace Theatre, 1564 Broadway, New York, NY, 1948

Obama's surveillance death grip
tightens on once free America

Obama to force integration of neighborhoods

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin takes Obama
to task calling his lapdog presstitute media, collaborators,
condoning his continued hypocrisy and lies resulting in
the most corrupt government we've ever seen

Members of Congress who voted to uphold
NSA phone spying on innocent Americans,
received double the defense industry cash

Obama's spying intensifies against his enemies...
the American people. Drone surveillance approved
by the FAA on U.S. citizens beginning this summer

Obama no longer dazzles his once legion of admirers
he bores us and them, droning on and on with his smoke
and mirrors proclaiming his work is obstructed with all the
"phony" scandals he is forced to deal with

After failing miserably as U.S. Ambassador to the
Bahamas resulting in her resignation, Nicole Avant
has now been tasked with boosting Obama's relationship
with Hollywood as a new Obamacare promoter

Disgrace of FDR regime surfaces in Idaho.
Kooskia internment camp, discovered in
mountains of Idaho, is just one site FDR
sent Japanese immigrants during World War 2

Militarization of police going full steam ahead -
SWAT teams new face of police agencies

Big Brother Is Watching:
If we do not
seize this moment in history to reform our
surveillance laws, we will all live to regret it

Obama's Republican lapdogs just as traitorous
as loyal Democrats, defending NSA bulk spying
against innocent American citizens

Sen. Mike Lee: Go ahead and fund the
government, but without Obamacare

Government promises to stop lying because of Drudge
Report spotlight.
This is Obama's psy-warfare
and cyber-security all declaring war on the First Amendment

Alex Jones News Broadcast - Sunday, July 28, 2013
And from our, "we just can't make this stuff up" file:
Indiana Department of Homeland Security demands
restaurant owner get permit to play live music

And in our "Welcome To The World Of Obama" column:
Police State USA
Lawsuit: Psycho out-of-control SWAT team dragged
10-year-old from bathtub, made him stand naked next to
4-year-old sister while terrorizing family
Artist Of The Day
THE BEATLES - "Revolution"
U.S. Single Release: August 26, 1968
U.K. Single Release: August 30, 1968