McLean County Court House - Downtown Bloomington, Illinois
Obamacare: Defund and Repeal - Is there any better
example of the arrogance, incompetence and
remorselessness of top-down central planning?
Obama, Eric Holder, Al Sharpton and Malik Zulu Shabazz
the head of the racist New Black Panther Party, worked in
concert to set up protests in Florida against George Zimmerman
U.S. news blackout - Israel recently launched an attack
on Russian missiles that were apparently sold to Syria
and stationed at a critical point within the country, as
160,000 Russian troops are called to ‘combat readiness’
No national uproar. No protests. No involvement by Obama.
Presstitutes silent when black man shoots 3 white girls.
His defense; he learned to hate whites attending college
Amnesty bill penalizes employers for hiring U.S. citizens
International Monetary Fund - The Largest
Organized Crime Syndicate In Human History
The Treasury Department has admitted for the
first time that confidential tax records of several
political candidates and campaign donors were
improperly scrutinized by government officials
In 2010, Nancy Pelosi talked about Obamacare and said,
"We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it."
Some of the country's most powerful union leaders who blindly
backed anything Obama ever wanted before, are now expressing
their full disapproval of Obamacare after finding out what is in it
The Obama Deception II, will be released soon. If you
haven't seen the first installment, The Obama Deception,
don't miss this incredible film
Proponents of Obamacare often suggest skeptics look to
the United Kingdom as an example of what can be made
better with the American health care system. British healthcare
system in shambles, continues decline on road to implosion
Neo-con sellout Senator Marco Rubio, raked
in $3 MILLION after supporting amnesty
Obama's DHS purchases 2,700 light-armored tanks
to go with their 1.6 billion bullet stockpile
74% of small businesses will fire workers
or cut hours under Obamacare
Latest Congressional testimony confirms Washington
was involved in IRS profiling of liberty organizations

Composer Of The Day

Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Work: Symphony No. 6 in b minor, Opus 74, Pathétique
Composed: Between February and the end of August 1893
Orchestra: Seoul Philharmonic
Conductor: Myung-Whun Chung
Recorded: May 16, 2011
Recording Location: Korean Art Centre Concert Hall, Seoul Korea
These cat's are smokin' hot - - Do Not miss this performance

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