Thursday, July 25, 2013

TOP HEADLINES - July 25, 2013

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Obama turns doctors into gun control snitches
running health care spy network

After George Zimmerman was found not guilty of murder,
Obama's Department of Justice, set up a taxpayer funded
Zimmerman "snitch line"
for the sole purpose of finding a way
to prosecute someone who has just been acquitted.
from the Gestapo playbook, snitching on private citizens is
now commonplace in Obama's new totalitarian state America

Obama wants information of the Benghazi scandal silenced, as
the survivors have been forced to sign non-disclosure agreements

IRS chief counsel William Wilkins, an Obama appointee
and one of the supervisors in the improper targeting of
conservative groups, met with Obama just two days
before tea party targeting criteria by the IRS was changed

CIA backs $630,000 study into how to
control global weather through geoengineering

Under DHS Secretary Janet "Big Sis" Napolitano, memos
were released that defined "extremism" and possible threats
to the government, as animal rights groups, pro-life activists,
pro-2nd Amendment activists and returning veterans. She also
headed up a program,
Operation Vigilant Eagle, which is a
surveillance system done on all returning veterans from overseas

Rutherford Institute condemns police 'safety' checkpoints as Unconstitutional, calls for balance in police-citizen dynamic

Obama's idea of transparency: The Obama regime has
announced that it asked a secret court to approve a secret
order to allow the government to keep spying on millions of
Americans, and the secret court has granted its request

Obamacare battle takes a bizarre turn

Obama-backed Syrian rebels ransack Christian village

Confirmed: Left-wing plant at Houston
pro-Zimmerman rally is far-left activist

Department of Homeland Security recruiting goes into
overdrive: DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano confirmed
to be the next president of the University of California

END PROHIBITION - Mexican Diplomat: United States
government helps Sinaloa cartel smuggle drugs

Special Forces veterans and members of
Congress demand special Benghazi investigation

House proposal to defund NSA spying on Americans,
defeated by traitors of our country and Constitution -
BOTH Republicans and Democrats sell-out Americans'
4th Amendment rights - They do not represent us!

Infowars Nightly News July 24, 2013, 30 minute broadcast -
Hosted by Lee Ann McAdoo with special guest Larry Elder:

                    Artist Of The Day
The Beach Boys - Wouldn't It Be Nice
Released July 18, 1966