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Jeremy Renner / Gemma Arterton - "Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters"
Obamacare has doctors planning exit: many physicians
will retire from medicine early within next 3 years
U.S. whistle-blower and international hero Bradley Manning,
has just been awarded the 2013 Sean MacBride Peace Award
by the International Peace Bureau
Maryland employers cutting hours due to Obamacare
A visit to the legendary "Googleplex" in Mountain View,
California reveals plans to implant a chip in our brains???
Merck vaccine scientist Dr. Maurice Hilleman admitted
presence of SV40, AIDS and cancer viruses in vaccines
And in our "Welcome To The World Of Obama" column:
Police State USA
Florida nurse terrorized by psycho out of
control U.S. Marshals in warrantless raid
Florida nurse terrorized by psycho out of
control U.S. Marshals in warrantless raid
Song Of The Day
I'd like to dedicate this track to Barack Hussein Obama
and all his minions in the District of Criminals,
both Democrat and Republican

Thompson Twins - Lies
Released in 1982

See film trailer at this link:
Release Date: January 25, 2013
Running Time : 88 Minutes
<<< Widescreen >>> Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1
Production Budget: $50 million
Box Office Totals (Foreign and Domestic): $225 million
Rated R for strong fantasy horror violence and gore, very brief sexuality/nudity and explicit language