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1970 Ford Mustang
Obama's buddy, Attorney General Eric Holder,
has been implicated in IRS cover-up
Thank you Obama devotees - Move over NSA,
here comes the Obamacare Big Brother database
Senator Pat Leahy pushing for legislation to require
police to get a warrant if they want access to a
citizen's emails or other online communications
Eric Holder's continued fascist agenda to strip
all Americans of their 2nd Amendment rights
Global Warming scammers continue to terrorize the
planet with a perpetual altering dire forecast. If the story
keeps changing, they'll always be "right" - Back in 2007
Jay Zwally, a NASA Climate Scientist predicted the Arctic
would be ice free in the Summer of 2012... or is it 2020?
Maybe 2058?
Implemented by design: Detroit not alone
under crushing pension obligations
Reduce inflammation effortlessly
by taking these top antioxidants
Actor James Woods dismantles Obama's racial opportunism
Even though the Pentagon has made a key Benghazi
witness available to talk to Congress, will he tell
the truth? Seems like swearing to tell the truth at
Congressional Hearings means very little of late.
Senator Mike Lee appears on America's News HQ to explain
why Congress needs to eliminate funding for Obamacare
Obama-appointed IRS council, helped develop
targeting techniques used against Constitution,
liberty, pro-freedom and Tea Party groups
Obama supporters sign petition to grant him
immunity for all the crimes he commits in office
Harvard study confirms fluoride reduces children's IQ
Taxpayers lost more than $10 billion bailing out GM
because Obama thinks it’s fine for his corporate allies
to embrace capitalism on the way up and socialism on
the way down. Now, GM’s taking some of that money
that it pilfered from us and it’s building a plant in China with it

1970 Ford Mustang
Obama's buddy, Attorney General Eric Holder,
has been implicated in IRS cover-up
Thank you Obama devotees - Move over NSA,
here comes the Obamacare Big Brother database
Senator Pat Leahy pushing for legislation to require
police to get a warrant if they want access to a
citizen's emails or other online communications
Eric Holder's continued fascist agenda to strip
all Americans of their 2nd Amendment rights
Global Warming scammers continue to terrorize the
planet with a perpetual altering dire forecast. If the story
keeps changing, they'll always be "right" - Back in 2007
Jay Zwally, a NASA Climate Scientist predicted the Arctic
would be ice free in the Summer of 2012... or is it 2020?
Maybe 2058?
Implemented by design: Detroit not alone
under crushing pension obligations
Reduce inflammation effortlessly
by taking these top antioxidants
Actor James Woods dismantles Obama's racial opportunism
Even though the Pentagon has made a key Benghazi
witness available to talk to Congress, will he tell
the truth? Seems like swearing to tell the truth at
Congressional Hearings means very little of late.
Senator Mike Lee appears on America's News HQ to explain
why Congress needs to eliminate funding for Obamacare
Obama-appointed IRS council, helped develop
targeting techniques used against Constitution,
liberty, pro-freedom and Tea Party groups
Obama supporters sign petition to grant him
immunity for all the crimes he commits in office
Harvard study confirms fluoride reduces children's IQ
Taxpayers lost more than $10 billion bailing out GM
because Obama thinks it’s fine for his corporate allies
to embrace capitalism on the way up and socialism on
the way down. Now, GM’s taking some of that money
that it pilfered from us and it’s building a plant in China with it
Read more at h
Artist Of The Day

The Beatles - HELP!
7" Single Released in England 48 years ago today - July 23, 1965