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Obama says it's fake scandals -
America says it's a failing presidency
Patricia Smith, mother of Sean Smith, who was
slain in the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack,
is furious about Obama's strategy of calling the
scandals plaguing the regime “fake” or “phony”
Becky Gerritson, (President, Wetumpka Tea Party),
speaks out against Obama arrogantly dismissing the
IRS profiling of Americans as being "phony" and "fake"
Sen. Ted Cruz discusses how we
stop the Obamacare train wreck:
The Obama regime made sure the controlled government
media shut this story down as quickly as possible:
Former President Jimmy Carter Says
America Has No Functioning Democracy
97% of climate activists in the pay of big oil shock!
JP Morgan Chase is expected to announce over $600
million in penalties and repayments for allegedly cheating
customers in energy markets in California and Michigan
After finally realizing New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's
real agenda is to confiscate guns from law abiding American
citizens, nearly 50 mayors have left his anti-2nd Amendment
gun control group, "Mayors Against Illegal Guns" (MAIG)
Obama DHS planned to kill
peaceful protesters in sniper attacks
Why is the army buying up millions of
civilian rounds of ammunition they don't
even use and classic guns like the AK-47 and SKS?
As the government continues to shut down family
farms, your ability to make good food choices diminishes
Detroit filed for bankruptcy with $18 billion in total debt,
yet the taxpayer will fund nearly 60 percent of the cost
for the new $450 million Detroit Red Wings sports arena
Obama Promise To 'Protect Whistleblowers'
Just Disappeared From Change.gov
And from our, "we just can't make this stuff up" file:
True to fashion, Obamacare call center will
not offer health-care benefits to employees
And in our "Welcome To The World Of Obama" column:
Police State USA
Dirty Cops caught on video planting drugs in
small business they no longer wanted open
Dirty Cops caught on video planting drugs in
small business they no longer wanted open
Artist Of The Day

Miles Davis
Complete Show
Live at the Fillmore East
June 20, 1970

Fillmore East - New York City