If clicking links won't take you there directly, copy and paste. All links are correct.

Glenn Beck is called on the carpet for all his
inconsistencies, and his amazing knack for
copying the same stories the Alex Jones
Broadcast had reported on, years before
Where is the national media's outburst of racism
concerning this tragedy? Where is Obama's outrage over this?
Maybe the New Black Panthers Party didn't tell Obama to
put it on his things to do list?
Black teen thugs kill white baby during robbery in Georgia
Obamacare patients can expect a real disaster,
especially in California
The NSA's unconstitutional warrantless wiretapping program
PRISM has succeeded in uniting much of the political spectrum
in a new California-based lawsuit designed to protect civil liberties
from the National Security Agency (NSA)
Peter Schiff breaks down the insanity of
the post-trial Zimmerman aftermath
Representatives Justin Amash and John Conyers
have introduced a bill (HR 2399), to limit warrantless
spying on innocent Americans (Action Alert below)
NSA lies continue to surface... finally admits it
analyzes more people's data than previously revealed
Hungary recognizes the banksters scam... kicks out
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Federal court overturns block on Obama's NDAA
indefinite detention - Americans can legally be
kidnapped and held without trial
Here comes the payoffs: Obama appointee
involved in IRS targeting of Tea Party patriots
The presstitutes in America are silent of course, but according
to Arabic News Channel 14 and reported by Egypt Daily News,
it has been revealed that Obama secretly transferred $8 billion
to the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood
Senator Chuck Grassley asks Attorney General Eric Holder:
Why is your department hiding new Fast and Furious murders?
End Prohibition: Ex-President of Mexico Vicente Fox
blasts drug war - Only problem with that is, where would
the prison industrial complex get all their slave labor?
Dzhokar Tsarnaev's throat wound:
Another government lie bites the dust
Being the race hustler that he is, Obama stirs
up racial tensions ahead of demonstrations

Glenn Beck is called on the carpet for all his
inconsistencies, and his amazing knack for
copying the same stories the Alex Jones
Broadcast had reported on, years before
Where is the national media's outburst of racism
concerning this tragedy? Where is Obama's outrage over this?
Maybe the New Black Panthers Party didn't tell Obama to
put it on his things to do list?
Black teen thugs kill white baby during robbery in Georgia
Obamacare patients can expect a real disaster,
especially in California
The NSA's unconstitutional warrantless wiretapping program
PRISM has succeeded in uniting much of the political spectrum
in a new California-based lawsuit designed to protect civil liberties
from the National Security Agency (NSA)
Peter Schiff breaks down the insanity of
the post-trial Zimmerman aftermath
Representatives Justin Amash and John Conyers
have introduced a bill (HR 2399), to limit warrantless
spying on innocent Americans (Action Alert below)
NSA lies continue to surface... finally admits it
analyzes more people's data than previously revealed
Hungary recognizes the banksters scam... kicks out
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Federal court overturns block on Obama's NDAA
indefinite detention - Americans can legally be
kidnapped and held without trial
Here comes the payoffs: Obama appointee
involved in IRS targeting of Tea Party patriots
The presstitutes in America are silent of course, but according
to Arabic News Channel 14 and reported by Egypt Daily News,
it has been revealed that Obama secretly transferred $8 billion
to the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood
Senator Chuck Grassley asks Attorney General Eric Holder:
Why is your department hiding new Fast and Furious murders?
End Prohibition: Ex-President of Mexico Vicente Fox
blasts drug war - Only problem with that is, where would
the prison industrial complex get all their slave labor?
Dzhokar Tsarnaev's throat wound:
Another government lie bites the dust
Being the race hustler that he is, Obama stirs
up racial tensions ahead of demonstrations
Trends in the News
Weekly news recap with your host Gerald Celente
(Warning: Explicit Language)
Weekly news recap with your host Gerald Celente
(Warning: Explicit Language)
Let's STOP the NSA’s massive unconstitutional collection
scheme that is a violation of basic American principles.
If your district representative has not yet co-sponsored
H.R. 2399, e-mail them with suggested message below.
Let's STOP the NSA’s massive unconstitutional collection
scheme that is a violation of basic American principles.
If your district representative has not yet co-sponsored
H.R. 2399, e-mail them with suggested message below.
1. Find your U.S. Representative here:
2. If your Representative is not on the following list of co-sponsors go to step 3.
Rep. Justin Amash [R, MI-3]
Added June 17, 2013 -
Rep. Paul C. Broun [R, GA-10]
Added June 17, 2013 -
Rep. Judy Chu [D, CA-27]
Added June 17, 2013 -
Rep. Suzan K. DelBene [D, WA-1]
Added June 17, 2013 -
Rep. Jeff Duncan [R, SC-3]
Added July 08, 2013 -
Rep. John J. Duncan Jr. [R, TN-2]
Added June 17, 2013 -
Rep. William L. Enyart [D, IL-12]
Added June 17, 2013 -
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard [D, HI-2]
Added June 17, 2013 -
Rep. Christopher P. Gibson [R, NY-19]
Added June 18, 2013 -
Rep. Paul A. Gosar [R, AZ-4]
Added June 18, 2013 -
Rep. H. Morgan Griffith [R, VA-9]
Added June 17, 2013 -
Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva [D, AZ-3]
Added June 17, 2013 -
Rep. Rush Holt [D, NJ-12]
Added June 17, 2013 -
Rep. Tim Huelskamp [R, KS-1]
Added July 10, 2013 -
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee [D, TX-18]
Added June 17, 2013 -
Rep. Henry C. "Hank" Johnson Jr. [D, GA-4]
Added June 17, 2013 -
Rep. Walter B. Jones [R, NC-3]
Added June 17, 2013 -
Rep. Jack Kingston [R, GA-1]
Added July 10, 2013 -
Rep. Raúl R. Labrador [R, ID-1]
Added June 26, 2013 -
Rep. Barbara Lee [D, CA-13]
Added June 17, 2013 -
Rep. Zoe Lofgren [D, CA-19]
Added June 17, 2013 -
Rep. Thomas Massie [R, KY-4]
Added June 17, 2013 -
Rep. Tom McClintock [R, CA-4]
Added June 17, 2013 -
Rep. Jim McDermott [D, WA-7]
Added June 17, 2013 -
Rep. James P. McGovern [D, MA-2]
Added June 17, 2013 -
Rep. Michael H. Michaud [D, ME-2]
Added June 18, 2013 -
Rep. Mick Mulvaney [R, SC-5]
Added June 17, 2013 -
Rep. Jerrold Nadler [D, NY-10]
Added June 17, 2013 -
Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton [D, DC-0]
Added June 26, 2013 -
Rep. Beto O'Rourke [D, TX-16]
Added June 17, 2013 -
Rep. Stevan Pearce [R, NM-2]
Added June 17, 2013 -
Rep. Ted Poe [R, TX-2]
Added July 10, 2013 -
Rep. Jared Polis [D, CO-2]
Added June 17, 2013 -
Rep. Trey Radel [R, FL-19]
Added June 17, 2013 -
Rep. David P. Roe [R, TN-1]
Added June 26, 2013 -
Rep. Matt Salmon [R, AZ-5]
Added June 17, 2013 -
Rep. Mark Sanford [R, SC-1]
Added June 17, 2013 -
Rep. David Schweikert [R, AZ-6]
Added June 26, 2013 -
Rep. Kyrsten Sinema [D, AZ-9]
Added June 17, 2013 -
Rep. Peter Welch [D, VT-0]
Added June 17, 2013 -
Rep. Ted S. Yoho [R, FL-3]
Added June 18, 2013
Rep. Justin Amash [R, MI-3]
It will be quick and easy.
Dear Representative _______________,
As your constituent, I urge you to support and co-sponsor the LIBERT-E Act,
H.R. 2399, introduced by Rep. Justin Amash and Rep. John Conyers.
The National Security Agency's massive spying operation is both
unconstitutional and a violation of basic American principles.
The Constitution is supposed to protect my liberty and property. Right now, the unaccountable NSA is able to search through my private communications without my permission or knowledge. This needs to stop.
Please co-sponsor H.R. 2399, The Limiting Internet and Blanket Electronic Review of Telecommunications and Email Act.
As your constituent, I urge you to support and co-sponsor the LIBERT-E Act,
H.R. 2399, introduced by Rep. Justin Amash and Rep. John Conyers.
The National Security Agency's massive spying operation is both
unconstitutional and a violation of basic American principles.
The Constitution is supposed to protect my liberty and property. Right now, the unaccountable NSA is able to search through my private communications without my permission or knowledge. This needs to stop.
Please co-sponsor H.R. 2399, The Limiting Internet and Blanket Electronic Review of Telecommunications and Email Act.
Artist of the day

Aretha Franklin - Chain Of Fools
Released in 1967

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