Friday, July 12, 2013

TOP HEADLINES July 12, 2013

If clicking links won't take you there directly, copy and paste. All links are correct. S7

Clandestinely signed over the 4th of July weekend with
no media coverage at all, through Executive Order,
Obama just seized all U.S. communication systems

(i.e. Obama regime now has the power to censor and
control content of all media that threatens their
totalitarian dictates through a technocratic takeover)

This happened in Virginia last year, but for those not familiar
with the case, it is another example of Obama's police state
infiltrating America: Out of control police thug murders
defenseless Sunday school teacher in church parking lot

While people line up for bread and millions starve,
Obama's sanctions against Syria are crippling their
government destroying their entire economic infrastructure

Out of control police thug beats female honor
student unconscious in Bloomington, Illinois

TSA harasses and shames yet another disabled veteran

Due to regulatory costs, (i.e. $278 million worth
of EPA mandated equipment), Obama's job killing
regime forces 2 more power plants to shut down
in Pennsylvania affecting 380 employees

The recent NSA scandal only scratches the surface of
a massive surveillance apparatus - Abby Martin speaks
with NSA whistle-blower Russell Tice on NSA spying and
blackmailing of elected and appointed officials

Obama orders federal workers to spy on each other

Obama's out of control police goons: Over 100 armed
police with tanks and 2 helicopters arrest one man for
loading a shotgun inside Washington, DC limits

Corruption and Cronyism:
Obama donors take over top embassy jobs

And from our "we just can't make this up file" -
Obama's Department of Homeland Security considers
you a potential terrorist if you pay with cash


And in our "Welcome To The World Of Obama" column:
Police State USA

Sustainable development park violates
artist's First Amendment rights

Composer of the day

Work: Symphony No. 2
Orchestra: Vienna Philharmonic
Wilhelm Furtwängler
Recorded Live 22 February 1953, Grosser Saal, Musikverein, Vienna

When amnesty was passed for millions of illegal aliens in
the 1980's what did we get? Millions of more illegal aliens
with no border security at all. We must stop Obama's latest
amnesty push or our country will no longer exist as we know it.
Please take a few minutes to e-mail Speaker Of The House
John Boehner and let him know amnesty is not an option.

(Suggested message below)

 E-mail John Boehner at this address:

It's quick and easy to copy and paste this message:

Dear Speaker Boehner,

The latest push for amnesty repeats the mistakes of the 1986 immigration bill; it grants amnesty first; it won’t secure the border; and it doesn’t fix our broken legal immigration system.

This bill won’t fix the problem with our immigration system and will only encourage more illegal immigration and human suffering.

I urge you to defeat all calls for amnesty and simply enforce the laws that are currently in place. It is unfair to all the people who have legally played by the rules by putting people who are here illegally in the front of the line before

NO amnesty. NO illegal alien pathway. NO backdoor deals.
