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Lamborghini Veneno
Pat Caddell: John Boehner aiding
Obama cover-up of Benghazi
Tragedy in Texas:
Toddler beaten to death in Child Protectives Services
(CPS), captivity after being taken away from loving,
and kind parents, who got caught smoking marijuana
INFOWARS Nightly News:
Hosted by Lee Ann McAdoo - August 8, 2013
Obama's al-Qaeda terrorist rebels were going
to attack a town near Damascus in Syria.
Obama takes a hit, as things didn't go as planned
Members of Congress have been repeatedly
thwarted when attempting to learn basic
information about the National Security Agency (NSA)
It’s good to be a part of the Obama regime. You can
commit crimes and get away with it. Obama's FBI gave
informants permission to commit over 5,000 crimes in 2011
New York Times takes 93% loss and
unloads Boston Globe for $70 million
Republican candidates running for the
U.S. Senate in 2014 have been asked to
sign a pledge to stop funding Obamacare
Germany has dissolved a fifty-years-old surveillance
pact with the United States and Great Britain
An article published in the Journal of Medical Ethics,
says newborn babies are not “actual persons,” do not
have a “moral right to life” and killing babies is no
different than abortion
Obama presstitutes at Politico quietly
changes embarrassing Obamacare headline
An army of Van Jones clones: Tax dollars
creating legions of green youth activists
perpetuating the global warming hoax
The CIA and the government run media has gone out
of it's way to keep information from the public about
Obama's weapons smuggling operation in Benghazi
Strong evidence links vaccines to autism
FEC Commissioner:
New e-mails could tie agency to IRS targeting
An informal coalition of activists upset over
the non-stop assault being waged on the
Bill of Rights have coordinated protests taking
place at major highway overpasses across the country

Egyptian singer Sama Elmasry has released
a music video in protest of Obama's lust for
interventionism and support of the Muslim
Brotherhood affecting Egypt and other
countries around the world - with English subtitles
WARNING: Explicit Lyrics

Lamborghini Veneno
Pat Caddell: John Boehner aiding
Obama cover-up of Benghazi
Tragedy in Texas:
Toddler beaten to death in Child Protectives Services
(CPS), captivity after being taken away from loving,
and kind parents, who got caught smoking marijuana
INFOWARS Nightly News:
Hosted by Lee Ann McAdoo - August 8, 2013
Obama's al-Qaeda terrorist rebels were going
to attack a town near Damascus in Syria.
Obama takes a hit, as things didn't go as planned
Members of Congress have been repeatedly
thwarted when attempting to learn basic
information about the National Security Agency (NSA)
It’s good to be a part of the Obama regime. You can
commit crimes and get away with it. Obama's FBI gave
informants permission to commit over 5,000 crimes in 2011
New York Times takes 93% loss and
unloads Boston Globe for $70 million
Republican candidates running for the
U.S. Senate in 2014 have been asked to
sign a pledge to stop funding Obamacare
Germany has dissolved a fifty-years-old surveillance
pact with the United States and Great Britain
An article published in the Journal of Medical Ethics,
says newborn babies are not “actual persons,” do not
have a “moral right to life” and killing babies is no
different than abortion
Obama presstitutes at Politico quietly
changes embarrassing Obamacare headline
An army of Van Jones clones: Tax dollars
creating legions of green youth activists
perpetuating the global warming hoax
The CIA and the government run media has gone out
of it's way to keep information from the public about
Obama's weapons smuggling operation in Benghazi
Strong evidence links vaccines to autism
FEC Commissioner:
New e-mails could tie agency to IRS targeting
An informal coalition of activists upset over
the non-stop assault being waged on the
Bill of Rights have coordinated protests taking
place at major highway overpasses across the country

Egyptian singer Sama Elmasry has released
a music video in protest of Obama's lust for
interventionism and support of the Muslim
Brotherhood affecting Egypt and other
countries around the world - with English subtitles
WARNING: Explicit Lyrics
And in our "Welcome To The World Of Obama" column:
Psycho out-of-control SWAT team invades animal
sanctuary and murders baby deer for fun. Then
parades dead carcass in front of caretakers
Psycho out-of-control SWAT team invades animal
sanctuary and murders baby deer for fun. Then
parades dead carcass in front of caretakers
Composer Of The Day

Ralph Vaughan-Williams
Work: Symphony No. 4 in f minor
Orchestra: BBC Scottish Symphony
Conductor: Andrew Manze
Venue: Royal Albert Hall - London
Recording Date: August 16, 2012

Weekly radio program Internet broadcast -
Latest political news & analysis -
WCBC 1270 am - Every Saturday
10:08 am - 1 pm PACIFIC TIME
11:08 am - 2 pm MOUNTAIN TIME
12:08 pm - 3 pm CENTRAL TIME
1:08 pm - 4 pm EASTERN TIME
Listen at this link:
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