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Obama's plan all along was to infringe on every aspect
of our lives, so it is no surprise an Obamacare provision
will target millions of Americans for forced home inspections
Benghazi whistle-blower lawyer: "Stolen" Libyan
missiles will be used to shoot down aircraft
Lies and intimidation, foundation of Obama regime:
Phony Sequestration "warnings" just more manipulation

Paul Craig Roberts:
Humanity is drowning in Washington's criminality
The Tea Party Leadership Fund has endorsed
Nancy Mace for 2014 South Carolina Senate race
Film director Oliver Stone called Obama a “snake” for his role
in National Security Agency spying programs that have become,
he said, more about silencing protesters than finding terrorists.
South Carolina State Sen. Lee Bright announced his
candidacy Tuesday for the GOP nomination for the U.S.
Senate, calling incumbent Republican U.S. Sen. Lindsey
Graham “a community organizer for the Muslim Brotherhood.”
America is crumbling, but Obama finds time to play
golf with MSNBC's boss Brian L. Roberts, CEO of Comcast
Never missing an opportunity to suppress freedom, Obama
deploys warship to Bahrain to intimidate citizens, as dictatorial
King has introduced legislation aimed at stifling dissent
Eugenics vaccine slow kill program continues
to be effective, as Hepatitis B vaccine kills three
more newborn babies with anaphylactic shock
Lead Gardasil developer clears conscience,
admits vaccine is useless and deadly

Obama's plan all along was to infringe on every aspect
of our lives, so it is no surprise an Obamacare provision
will target millions of Americans for forced home inspections
Benghazi whistle-blower lawyer: "Stolen" Libyan
missiles will be used to shoot down aircraft
Lies and intimidation, foundation of Obama regime:
Phony Sequestration "warnings" just more manipulation

Paul Craig Roberts:
Humanity is drowning in Washington's criminality
The Tea Party Leadership Fund has endorsed
Nancy Mace for 2014 South Carolina Senate race
Film director Oliver Stone called Obama a “snake” for his role
in National Security Agency spying programs that have become,
he said, more about silencing protesters than finding terrorists.
South Carolina State Sen. Lee Bright announced his
candidacy Tuesday for the GOP nomination for the U.S.
Senate, calling incumbent Republican U.S. Sen. Lindsey
Graham “a community organizer for the Muslim Brotherhood.”
America is crumbling, but Obama finds time to play
golf with MSNBC's boss Brian L. Roberts, CEO of Comcast
Never missing an opportunity to suppress freedom, Obama
deploys warship to Bahrain to intimidate citizens, as dictatorial
King has introduced legislation aimed at stifling dissent
Eugenics vaccine slow kill program continues
to be effective, as Hepatitis B vaccine kills three
more newborn babies with anaphylactic shock
Lead Gardasil developer clears conscience,
admits vaccine is useless and deadly
Mark Levin exposes the true agenda behind
the crony capitalists and corporatists funding
the so-called "Conservative Victory Project"
And in our "Welcome To The World Of Obama" column:
Psycho out-of-control police in Texas perform warrantless, unconstitutional roadside cavity searches
Psycho out-of-control police in Texas perform warrantless, unconstitutional roadside cavity searches
Artist Of The Day

George Harrison - "Beware Of Darkness"
Recorded live August 1, 1971
Concert For Bangla Desh
Madison Square Garden - NYC