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Toledo , Spain
Obama continues to send billions of taxpayer
dollars to help pay for violence in Egypt

Attention Obama supporters: I'm sure you'll all be
thrilled to learn your main-man Barack Hussein Obama
plans to bypass Congress and impose a new fee on all
cell phone users - Remember, if you don't like Obama
stealing your money, you will be labeled a racist
U.S. military stockpiling ammunition,
drying up sovereign citizens supply
NSA funds new "top secret" $60 million data lab
Like MSNBC said, your children belong to the state,
not the parents: Mother threatened for feeding baby
goat's milk instead of genetically modified formula
Remembering Israel Hernandez: Miami cops murdered
him because of his graffiti art on an abandoned building
And from our, "we just can't make this stuff up" file:
Google's new Moto X smartphone has microphones
embedded that run independent of the main battery
that are designed to listen to you all the time

Toledo , Spain
Obama continues to send billions of taxpayer
dollars to help pay for violence in Egypt

Attention Obama supporters: I'm sure you'll all be
thrilled to learn your main-man Barack Hussein Obama
plans to bypass Congress and impose a new fee on all
cell phone users - Remember, if you don't like Obama
stealing your money, you will be labeled a racist
U.S. military stockpiling ammunition,
drying up sovereign citizens supply
NSA funds new "top secret" $60 million data lab
Like MSNBC said, your children belong to the state,
not the parents: Mother threatened for feeding baby
goat's milk instead of genetically modified formula
Remembering Israel Hernandez: Miami cops murdered
him because of his graffiti art on an abandoned building
MEADS is a missile defense program that is $2 billion over
budget. Obama wants to give them $380 million of taxpayer
money. If you don't like the idea of Obama giving his buddies
millions of dollars, go to this link to easily e-mail your Senators:
And from our, "we just can't make this stuff up" file:
Google's new Moto X smartphone has microphones
embedded that run independent of the main battery
that are designed to listen to you all the time
And in our "Welcome To The World Of Obama" column:
Psycho out-of-control cops in Arlington, Texas, raid farm commune mistaking tomato plants for marijuana. Of course they couldn't
leave without damaging both the property and the crops.
Composer Of The Day

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Work: Overture to Don Giovanni
Orchestra: Vienna Philharmonic
Conductor: Wilhelm Furtwängler
Salzburg Festival 1954
Monica Crowley

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Latest political news & analysis -
WCBC 1270 am - Every Saturday
10:08 am - 1 pm PACIFIC TIME
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1:08 pm - 4 pm EASTERN TIME
Listen at this link:
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