Nancy Mace will challenge Obama Republican, Lindsey Graham,
in the 2014 South Carolina Senate race. http://nancymace.net/
As predicted, Chris Lane murder was
gang initiation, yet no calls for 'justice'
DHS official behind gun and ammo
purchasing, calls for white genocide, race war
Obama continues cover-up of NSA domestic
spy scandal! Promised 'outside experts'
would review, but appoints insiders!
Is the media covering up the beginning of a race war?
Evidence of a taxpayer-funded financial
relationship between major tech companies
and the NSA - NSA paid millions of dollars to
cover PRISM compliance costs for tech companies
Obama Truth Squad suspends First Amendment in Missouri:
Peaceful protesters arrested in Missouri for thought crime -
Put in choke hold and thrown to ground for holding up signs
that said "Impeach Obama"
NSA analysts intentionally abused
spying powers multiple times
American hating Muslim, Maj. Nidal Hasan,
convicted in Ft. Hood shootings that killed 13,
and wounded over 30
The elitist's plan to wipe out the world's population
has been planned for over a century. In 1904, the
Carnegie's funded the first Eugenics laboratory in
Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New York
And from our, "we just can't make this stuff up" file:
Obama's psycho thugs from the TWRA
"confiscate" Tennesseans' pet raccoon
after posting cute YouTube video
Artist Of The Day

Stevie Ray Vaughan - "Texas Flood"
Stevie Ray shreads, in this awesome live version!
Monica Crowley

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