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Government knows best?
Obama creates "nudge squad" to shape your behavior
Barry the narcissist doesn't like to be challenged:
Tea Party protest forced to move 7 miles
away from Obama speech in Chattanooga
Radio talk show host Mark Levin blasts Boehner,
Christie and Obama for stance on White House scandals
Federal workers got $155 million in
tax dollars to work for labor unions
Republicans who voted for the National Security Agency
(NSA), to conduct wholesale surveillance on Americans,
got millions in defense industry donations

IRS profiling scandal rooted deep in Washington
IRS has more agents than the German army
As MSNBC's "The Rachael Maddow Show" continues
to attack liberty lovers, so does her ratings continue
to plummet, down 19% in total viewers in the last year.
Obama's presstitute government controlled media is
collapsing in ratings and credibility
More power plants shut down by Obama's EPA,
as environmental fascism escalates against the
coal industry, resulting in increased electricity rates

Presstitute government controlled media
begins parting the seas for Hillary Clinton,
priming the sheeple for a 2016 presidential run

Benghazi cover-up:
Hillary Clinton has blood on her hands everywhere -
Interview with former CIA officer, Michael Scheuer
Utah Senator Mike Lee is interviewed on making a
stand for the American people and defunding Obamacare
Despite claims to the contrary, Obama's IRS thugs
continue to target and harass pro-life and conservative
charities, illegally questioning their religious activities
and withholding their tax exemptions
Obama creates "nudge squad" to shape your behavior
Barry the narcissist doesn't like to be challenged:
Tea Party protest forced to move 7 miles
away from Obama speech in Chattanooga
Radio talk show host Mark Levin blasts Boehner,
Christie and Obama for stance on White House scandals
Federal workers got $155 million in
tax dollars to work for labor unions
Republicans who voted for the National Security Agency
(NSA), to conduct wholesale surveillance on Americans,
got millions in defense industry donations

IRS profiling scandal rooted deep in Washington
IRS has more agents than the German army
As MSNBC's "The Rachael Maddow Show" continues
to attack liberty lovers, so does her ratings continue
to plummet, down 19% in total viewers in the last year.
Obama's presstitute government controlled media is
collapsing in ratings and credibility
More power plants shut down by Obama's EPA,
as environmental fascism escalates against the
coal industry, resulting in increased electricity rates

Presstitute government controlled media
begins parting the seas for Hillary Clinton,
priming the sheeple for a 2016 presidential run

Benghazi cover-up:
Hillary Clinton has blood on her hands everywhere -
Interview with former CIA officer, Michael Scheuer
Utah Senator Mike Lee is interviewed on making a
stand for the American people and defunding Obamacare
Despite claims to the contrary, Obama's IRS thugs
continue to target and harass pro-life and conservative
charities, illegally questioning their religious activities
and withholding their tax exemptions
INFOWARS Nightly News with Lee Ann McAdoo: August 2, 2013
And from our, "we just can't make this stuff up" file:
Boy Scouts train to fight terrorists, and morehttp://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/14/us/14explorers.html?_r=0
And in our "Welcome To The World Of Obama" column:
Dirty cops in Los Angeles violently attack a
bike rider for riding his bicycle without lights
Artist Of The Day

Todd Rundgren - "The Last Ride"
Recorded live at The Paradise, Boston, 1978
Studio version originally released in February 1974, on the 2-LP set entitled "Todd"

Weekly radio program Internet broadcast -
Latest political news & analysis -
WCBC 1270 am - Every Saturday
10:08 am - 1 pm PACIFIC TIME
11:08 am - 2 pm MOUNTAIN TIME
12:08 pm - 3 pm CENTRAL TIME
1:08 pm - 4 pm EASTERN TIME
Listen at this link:
New water filter innovation from PrōPur

ProOne Big
PrōPur gravity fed water purification system
Does not eliminate the beneficial minerals naturally found in water
Filters out fluoride, bacteria, and other unwanted contaminants
Order now: http://www.infowarsshop.com/-ProPur-Water-Filtration_c_53.html

Todd Rundgren - "The Last Ride"
Recorded live at The Paradise, Boston, 1978
Studio version originally released in February 1974, on the 2-LP set entitled "Todd"

Weekly radio program Internet broadcast -
Latest political news & analysis -
WCBC 1270 am - Every Saturday
10:08 am - 1 pm PACIFIC TIME
11:08 am - 2 pm MOUNTAIN TIME
12:08 pm - 3 pm CENTRAL TIME
1:08 pm - 4 pm EASTERN TIME
Listen at this link:
New water filter innovation from PrōPur

ProOne Big
PrōPur gravity fed water purification system
Does not eliminate the beneficial minerals naturally found in water
Filters out fluoride, bacteria, and other unwanted contaminants
Order now: http://www.infowarsshop.com/-ProPur-Water-Filtration_c_53.html