Monday, August 19, 2013

TOP HEADLINES - August 19, 2013

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Adelaide, Australia

With a totalitarian state as the final goal, New York City
Mayor Michael Bloomberg endorses fingerprinting everyone
who lives in housing projects... "for their own good"

Not to worry, you can trust Obama to do what's best for
The chief judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance
Court admitted that the judges who are supposed to be
protecting our rights, really have no way to do so

McDonald's Chicken McNuggets found to
contain mysterious fibers, hair-like structures,
analyzed by Natural News Forensic Food Lab

Obama's DHS
spent $600,000 apiece to build houses in
Arizona that would have gone for less than $100,000 each

Obama continues to wage war against
investigative journalism, as CBS reporter
Sharyl Attkisson
has been denied Benghazi
information through the Freedom of Information Act

NASA caught manipulating U.S. temperature record chart to
continue their scam, promoting the Global Warming Hoax

According to a previously unreported Obamacare
regulation, after January 1, 2014, Obama's thugs
may enter your home without a warrant in order to
"intervene" for the purpose of "saving" high risk children

Remember when
the Obama regime’s Director of National
Intelligence, James Clapper described the Muslim Brotherhood
as a “largely secular” organization? He lied, as usual.
Here's a
crash course on Obama's Muslim Brotherhood buddies

Obama backed al-Qaeda terrorists kill kids in Syria

There's only one reason why the United Nations global
takeover hasn't happened yet... The 2nd Amendment.
They must disarm American citizens. Here is their plan:

Obamacare: Flaws and lies exposed


 And in our "Welcome To The World Of Obama" column:
With name tags shielded so they couldn't be identified,
psycho out-of-control Texas police hit organic farm with massive 10-hour SWAT raid -
After holding residents inside at gunpoint,
the nut-job cops seized 17 blackberry bushes,
15 okra plants and 14 tomatillo plants

Artist Of The Day
Rachael Leahcar - La Vie En Rose
Recorded in 2012 - The Voice Australia