Toddler killed by foster mom, after being taken
from peaceful birth parents for their cannabis use
Human replacement technocratic takeover advances,
as China develops the worlds fastest supercomputer
More death and abuse from Child Protective Services:
This time in California
Obama's treason in Benghazi
Philadelphia school budget meltdown: Superintendent
demands $50 million from the city for schools to open
Christopher Greene of AMTV covers the Michael Hastings
murder conspiracy and recent appearance of his widow
Elise Jordan on the Piers Morgan Tonight Show
Illinois Senator Dick Durbin, continues his
efforts to destroy our First Amendment rights
The toilet paper of record, the New York Times, was forced
to conclude their favorite fascist, Barack Hussein Obama,
lied to us all when he appeared on The Jay Leno Show just
recently and said, "There is no spying on Americans"
DHS 'Constitution free' zones inside the
United States, ignored by presstitute media
Sifting through the lies - Luke Rudkowski breaks
down Obama's August 9, press conference
Big Brother Barack Obama is watching you
Michael Hastings death examined
Obama's response to NSA was to
appease the public, not reduce the spying
Moody's Investors Service downgraded Chicago's
credit rating by three notches last week, partly
the result of $19 billion in unfunded pension debt
Seal Team 6 revisited with Larry Klayman and Charlie Strange -
Seal Team 6 father demands and deserves answers
And in our "Welcome To The World Of Obama" column:
Teen tasered to death in Florida for
spraying graffiti on an abandoned building
spraying graffiti on an abandoned building
Artist Of The Day
Back To Schoolin' - Book by Kevin Courtright, at this link:
Led Zeppelin - Dancing Days
Released as B-side to Over The Hills And Far Away 7" Single March 28, 1973
Appears on the LP Houses Of The Holy released March 28, 1973