Obama's presstitutes have tried to bury the story, but the
lawsuit has widened against the IRS - Expands to 22 states
Obama picks terrorist war criminal to
head Department of Homeland Security
Obama's buddies at the DHS push for a
civilian army to control the unwashed masses

Great turn out at pro-Constitution, 2nd Amendment gun
owner rally outside the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas on Saturday
Cops Caught Filming Pro-Gun Demonstrators Outside Alamo
Interview with software designer and top computer
programmer John McAfee, about Obamacare website
debacle and corrupt government practices - 10/21/13

Obama's attempt to destroy our 2nd Amendment
rights has backfired - In a bipartisan letter, half of
the Senate has officially pledged to oppose the
ratification of the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty
that the Obama regime wants to force on America
What better way for the Fascist Obama regime to control
the masses, than control the food supply - Food stamp
recipients are having their benefits cut back next month
Obama's insatiable spending addiction has increased
the U.S. debt over $1 trillion in the last 12 months
Homeland Security Spends $80 Million
On Armed Guards for “Civil Disturbances”

Who will protect you from the police? The rise of
Obama's government-sanctioned home invasions
Obama and his thugs love to throw you in jail.
Nearly 750,000 non-violent people are arrested
every year for marijuana possession
Families suspect SEAL Team 6 crash was inside job
And in our "Welcome To The World Of Obama" column:
Police State
Warning to all Sprint mobile users:
Mysterious phone calls from 865-6696 may
install NSA surveillance code on your iPhone
Police State
Warning to all Sprint mobile users:
Mysterious phone calls from 865-6696 may
install NSA surveillance code on your iPhone
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Hit List (hardcover, 338 pages) is an in-depth investigation
into the mysterious deaths of witnesses to the JFK Assassination.
Order your copy today at:

Mass Murderers Agree: Gun Control Works T-Shirt
Spread the message of Liberty
