will be a peaceful event with the option for attendees to open carry
long guns, rifles and shotguns. Everyone will be in compliance of all
applicable laws in the Texas and U.S. Constitutions. We will meet under
weight of arms to exercise our rights as free men and women. This will
be a family friendly event. Chamber checks will be done to ensure
safety. Expect this event to bring more than 1,000 people in attendance.
Obama's goons ordered to replace
Barrycades at World War II Memorial

This is it folks, the New Jersey special
election for U.S. Senate, today
Who is Heather Zichal? Ms. Zichal has been a
behind-the-scenes player in the Obama regime’s
advancement of the global warming/climate change hoax
‘Girl on the stairs’ refutes ‘P.C.’ JFK narrative

After spending $5 billion on uniforms, the Army
is back at the drawing board looking for a new
design that's estimated to cost another $4 billion
Spite House directive: Obama brings out more Barrycades
to spite the American people - Blocks road to Flight 93
Memorial 4 miles down from open-aire site
Obama's NSA caught sifting millions
of email lists around the world

Could the SNAP EBT (Food Stamp) disaster that occurred
across 17 states last weekend have been a planned drill
rather than system failure? USDA letter leaked:
Food stamps could be cut off as soon as November
Worse than Healthcare.gov: EBT food
stamp system crash is inevitable; here's why

Obama in Wonderland - The American people
aren't falling for your cons anymore Mr. President
As Obamacare kicks in, hospitals
forced to reduce budgets, cut jobs
And in our "Welcome To The World Of Obama" column:
Police State
Spite House Directive: Obama has public
water shut off in Maryland national park
Artist Of The Day

Therradaemon - "Lavende Sort"
From the 2012 LP release entitled Den Mørke Munnens Språk
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