Obama's government "shutdown" a scam,
as Feds collect $56 billion in taxes in 9 days
Do you really think Obama doesn't want total
control of your life?: TSA loudspeakers threaten
travelers with arrest if they tell jokes about security
Warning: Enrolling in Obamacare is giant database for the NSA - - allows government to link your IP address with your name, social security number, bank accounts, web surfing habits and more
Head fake! Is Healthcare.gov only an empty
shell MOCKUP of a working Obamacare exchange?

Al Qaeda flag flies from Armenian Martyrs' Church in Raqqa, Syria on Sept. 26, 2013 - See more at: http://www.cnsnews.com/image/armenian-churchsyria#sthash.EycZK0lD.dpuf
Al-Qaeda flag flies from Armenian Orthodox Martyr's Church in Raqqa, Syria
Obama's Syrian rebel buddies swap
crosses atop churches for al-Qaeda flags
Al Qaeda flag flies from Armenian Martyrs' Church in Raqqa, Syria on Sept. 26, 2013 - See more at: http://www.cnsnews.com/image/armenian-churchsyria#sthash.EycZK0lD.dpuf
Seniors will suffer under Obama's health care
scheme as it will cut $716 million from Medicare
Obama's presstitutes will bury this story, for sure:
21% surge in unemployment claims in one week
Due to his hatred for all Americans, Obama
has closed all 401 National Parks; but welcomes
illegal alien rally to the National Mall
Harry Reid and his fascist loving buddies move
to violate the United States Constitution

When Obama said he wanted to fundamentally transform
America, this is what he meant - Arresting WW2 veterans
who tried to visit a memorial honoring their friends
Obama's presstitutes need to develop a new
strategy as his job approval rating plummets to 37%
Pro-Constitution advocates recall another traitor in Colorado
ROTC members not allowed to participate
in a Toys for Tots event thanks to Obama
Obama’s Federal Reserve Pick Reassures
Wall Street of Continued Bank Bailouts
Amber Alert website shutdown
exposed as Obama regime hoax
And from our, "we just can't make this stuff up" file:
Obama continues to throw tantrums: Refuses to let annual
sand castle building contest proceed that benefits arts
programs at public schools because it's part of the Golden
Gate National Recreation Area
And in our "Welcome To The World Of Obama" column:
Police State
Police State
Woman calls 911 for her fiance after taking too much
diabetes medication - police arrive and shoot him dead
diabetes medication - police arrive and shoot him dead

Texas 32nd Congressional District
Artist Of The Day

The 69 Eyes - "Angels"
Spread the message of Liberty
