New Jersey friends - Vote October 16th for a real freedom fighter
Steve Lonegan for New Jersey Senate 2013
Alex Jones News Program - October 11, 2013:
Interviews with Anthony Gucciardi about missing nukes in Texas;
Ron Paul about the economy and the Federal Reserve plus
Mike Adams gives us major insight on the Obamacare scam
Top nuke commanders terminated
following missing nuclear warheads report
Who cares about Miriam Carey? The epidemic
of police violence in America is largely ignored
Urban Shield is NOT welcome:
Protest in Oakland October 25, against Obama's
police state and out-of-control militarization of U.S. police
To make sure you don't step out of line from the
authoritarian dictates of Barack Obama, to date,
$4.2 billion in military hardware donations has
been given to U.S. police forces

Steve Lonegan for New Jersey Senate 2013
Alex Jones News Program - October 11, 2013:
Interviews with Anthony Gucciardi about missing nukes in Texas;
Ron Paul about the economy and the Federal Reserve plus
Mike Adams gives us major insight on the Obamacare scam
Top nuke commanders terminated
following missing nuclear warheads report
Who cares about Miriam Carey? The epidemic
of police violence in America is largely ignored
Urban Shield is NOT welcome:
Protest in Oakland October 25, against Obama's
police state and out-of-control militarization of U.S. police
To make sure you don't step out of line from the
authoritarian dictates of Barack Obama, to date,
$4.2 billion in military hardware donations has
been given to U.S. police forces

Vets tear down barriers in DC, SWAT team backs down!
In defiance of Obama's radical regime, thousands of
veterans and other patriotic Americans visited the "closed"
World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C. today.
In defiance of Obama's radical regime, thousands of
veterans and other patriotic Americans visited the "closed"
World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C. today.
Sen. Rand Paul: ‘There’s a worldwide war on Christianity’
Missing nuke investigation: Special Report - 10/11/13
Dr. Ron Paul predicts "no policy change"
under Obama's new Federal Reserve chairman
Electronic food stamp system crashes:
17 states out of service
Liberals in state of shock as they realize free
health care was another Obama fairy tale
And in our "Welcome To The World Of Obama" column:
Obama's "health care" website is a disaster and
cost taxpayers over half a billion dollars
(But that was the plan from the start)
Obamacare was designed to fail from the start. Obama's goal is to
eliminate all private insurance for the general masses all together. Obama
and his fascist buddies want a single payer plan, with the government in
total control over all health care decisions including death panels.
But in order for that to happen, Obamacare as is must fail, so the Obama regime
can come in and say: we have a health care crisis that must be fixed now.
Artist Of The Day

Guru Guru - "Stone In"
From the 1970 LP release entitled UFO
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