Monday, December 9, 2013

TOP HEADLINES - December 9, 2013

Mainstream Media Functions as Obama's
“U.S. Ministry of Propaganda”


Obamacare website still "malfunctioning" -
Do not participate in this scam:
It was never meant to function properly from the start

Obama's buddies at the California health exchange, Covered California, violated the privacy of thousands of it's customers

Obama's FBI spies on you without triggering the light 

that lets you know your laptop camera is recording

Boycott: 7 out of 10 doctors in California
scramble to avoid Obama's health care scam

Obama to launch multi-million dollar program to
create new jobs... Not in America of course, in Africa

Obama and his thugs are coming after your pension:
Detroit ruling opens door to pension cuts across the nation

This is the real mission patch for Obama's rocket carrying spy satellites

You are Obama's enemy - You will be spied on:
Obama's latest spy rocket's logo is a giant evil
octopus with the slogan 'nothing is beyond our reach'

Obama sacrifices lives for politics:
American warrior blood is pooling in Oval Office

Medicaid time bomb created by Obama's Tyrannycare

Blood thirsty Obama continues to murder
innocent civilians
with drone strikes

Obama has not had a single one-on-one
meeting with HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius
since the passage of Obamacare over three years ago

                    And in our "Welcome To The World Of Obama" column:

Police State

St. Louis church ordered to stop handing out hot meals to the homeless

Artist Of The Day

Dean Martin - "Everybody Loves Somebody"

Spread The Message Of Liberty