Fascist State control of private industry
always gets ugly. Obama blames insurance
companies, entrusted by the ruling class to
carry out his scam, for Obamacare "failure"
Here are a list of candidates running for re-election
in 2014 that knew you'd lose your health insurance
but promised you could keep it -
Vote these lying frauds out of office!
Don’t worry – The Obama regime says that
the inflation you see is just your imagination
Goldman Sachs has chosen our next president: Pays
Hillary Clinton nearly half a million dollars for two speeches
Obama has thug lackeys threaten insurance
companies to shut up about Obamacare debacle
Will LAX Shooting Be Exploited to Arm TSA Agents?
On Wednesday, Obama's spokesholes at CNN pulled
in its lowest primetime ratings in over a year --
approaching the record lows from summer 2012
Top generals: Obama is ‘purging the military’

Artist Of The Day

Peggy Lee - "Fever"
New water filter innovation from PrōPur

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