Thursday, November 7, 2013

TOP HEADLINES - November 7, 2013

Definitive case for Obama impeachment

Seven Devastating Obamacare Facts

MSNBC, the New York Times and the rest of Obama's
presstitutes are being fed their talking points to blame
everybody else for Obamacare fail except for the people
who lied us into this mess and then lied about us when we
spoke up about it. Don't miss the most important point -
Obamacare was designed TO fail, so Obama's Totalitarian
takeover of health care could be implemented. 

Hitler’s and Obama’s health enabling acts:

Otto von Bismarck, the Chancellor of Germany, started socialized healthcare
in 1883 with the Reich Insurance Act. However, only certain segments of the
society were insured at that time, such as government workers and the elderly.
It was Adolf Hitler, who actually imposed socialized healthcare on the entire
German population, as a part of nazification of the healthcare industry.

Obama's Tyrannycare is coming after your
money. Health care scam contains twenty
higher new taxes on Obama's subjects.

HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, forced
to admit to Congress, felons can become
navigators for Obama's Tyrannycare

Obama now blatantly delusional:
Denies ever promising you can keep your health insurance

Obama Secret Service Agent: “It’s Worse Than People Know…
and I’m Not Trying to Scare You Either”

TSA Sought Firing Range for Firearms
Training Two Weeks Before LAX Shooting

Artist Of The Day

Gnaw Their Tongues - "The Planets Align, And Nothing Happens"

Spread the message of Liberty