Small businesses cutting jobs/hours to save
themselves from Obamacare
Know the Carlyle Group (owns Booz Allen),
it's the Face of Evil
LATEST LIE: Obama says immigration bill will
reduce the deficit... (just like Obamacare did)
Amnesty: Another Ruling Class Effort to Destroy America
NPR has a new $200 million complex in Washington, DC -
In addition to the $69.3 million the government gave public
radio stations this year, the District of Criminals granted
NPR $40 million in tax abatement's and froze property
taxes on the new site for 20 years. DEFUND NPR!
Project Veritas released a video exposing the outrageous
waste, fraud and abuse that comes with the free government
cell phone program, "Lifeline" aka "ObamaPhones"
Glenn Greenwald puts David Gregory in his place on
Meet The Presstitutes:
Kaiser reports that support for Obamacare is now only 35% -
Obamacare can't be saved from coming PR disaster
Six of the largest government contractors doing
“Top Secret” work for the NSA and other U.S.
Intelligence agencies have given more than
$16 million to lawmakers since 2007
Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and now Syria:
Obama cheerleading another bloodbath in the name of peace

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