LA Times reports Michael Hastings was going
into hiding before his death
Immigration bill waives criminal activity for illegals -
but increases penalties for citizens
Privacy a thing of the past - Total Global Control:
Google and NASA have now teamed up to purchase a
512-qubit quantum computer from D-Wave
Is Obamacare on life support? The states are jamming
the gears of Obama's government-mandated Ponzi
scheme by refusing to comply with its ridiculous
structure and regulations
IRS sent over $46 million in refunds to 23,994
'unauthorized' aliens at one Atlanta address
Big Brother, Obama Style
The False Flag "War On Terror"
A member of the Irish parliament has sharply
attacked U.S. President Barack Obama’s policies,
calling him a “war criminal” and “hypocrite of the century.”
Remember the fear tactics a few years ago with
the Swine Flu? Come to find out, it was genetically
engineered and unleashed on the world a few months
after the vaccine patent was approved. Hysteria was
promoted by the same groups that invented the virus.
The United Nations' Agenda 21 is designed to relocate
rural and suburban residents to more densely populated
urban centers to live in overcrowded conditions where a
person's every movement and every activity is monitored
And in our "Welcome To The World Of Obama" column:
Martha Boneta was going to have a children's birthday party on her farm.
The government got wind of if and told her she needed special permits to have the birthday party on private property. Shortly after she started speaking out about the harassment, she was targeted by Obama's IRS for an audit. Why the initial profiling of Martha's farm?
Maybe because the name is... Liberty Farm.
Interview with Martha here:
The government got wind of if and told her she needed special permits to have the birthday party on private property. Shortly after she started speaking out about the harassment, she was targeted by Obama's IRS for an audit. Why the initial profiling of Martha's farm?
Maybe because the name is... Liberty Farm.
Interview with Martha here:

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Blackhawks stun Bruins - win NHL Stanley Cup
Trailing 2-1 in game 6 of the finals, the Chicago Blackhawks stage 3rd period rally and score 2 goals in final two minutes for a stunning 3-2 comeback victory, over the Boston Bruins to win the 2013 Stanley Cup title
chicagotribune.com/sports/hockey/blackhawks/ct-spt-0625-blackhawks-bruins-chicago-20130625,0,1260892.story …

Stanley Cup Champions 2013:Chicago Cubs Light up Wrigley Field Marquee for Chicago Blackhawks