Anjem Choudary, who once said “the flag of Islam will fly over the White House,” says he will lead a demonstration rallying Muslims to establish Sharia law across the United States.
Choudary, 43, called Americans “the biggest criminals in the world today” during an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity this month.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/02/20/muslim-cleric-plans-protest-outside-white-house-attempt-spread-sharia-law/#
As expected, Muslims across the world have started to lock arms in their quest to impose Shariah Law (Islamic Law) on all. For the most part, Muslims in America had confined this call to their barracks.... errr, I mean Mosques and Islamic conferences. Now, in a brazen display of united force, Muslims calling for the adoption of Shariah in this country plan to march near the White House on March 3rd. The leader of the pack is the U.K.'s Anjem Choudary, a Muslim cleric.
Read more: http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/id.8853/pub_detail.asp
Hardline Muslim leader, Anjem Choudary, is calling for a protest, a call for Revolution, here in the United States on March 3, in front of the White House. He is rallying thousands of Muslims together to proclaim that Sharia Law be instituted in the United States of America.
Choudary says:
"We hereby call upon the Muslims in the US, particularly in New York, Michigan, Chicago and Washington DC to take lessons from their Muslim brothers and sisters in North Africa and the Middle East and rise to implement the Shari’ah in America.
On 3rd March 2011, at Pennsylvania Avenue, outside the White House, the Muslims will let the tyrant Barack Obama and the American people know that a new constitution beckons the US called the Shari’ah, and that this worldwide revolution will see it implemented inshaa’allah (God willing) very very soon."
Read more: http://www.standupamericanow.org/counter-protest-to-anjem-choudary-sharia-rally-in-washington-dc
As expected, Muslims across the world have started to lock arms in their quest to impose Shariah Law (Islamic Law) on all. For the most part, Muslims in America had confined this call to their barracks.... errr, I mean Mosques and Islamic conferences. Now, in a brazen display of united force, Muslims calling for the adoption of Shariah in this country plan to march near the White House on March 3rd. The leader of the pack is the U.K.'s Anjem Choudary, a Muslim cleric.
Read more: http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/id.8853/pub_detail.asp
Hardline Muslim leader, Anjem Choudary, is calling for a protest, a call for Revolution, here in the United States on March 3, in front of the White House. He is rallying thousands of Muslims together to proclaim that Sharia Law be instituted in the United States of America.
Choudary says:
"We hereby call upon the Muslims in the US, particularly in New York, Michigan, Chicago and Washington DC to take lessons from their Muslim brothers and sisters in North Africa and the Middle East and rise to implement the Shari’ah in America.
On 3rd March 2011, at Pennsylvania Avenue, outside the White House, the Muslims will let the tyrant Barack Obama and the American people know that a new constitution beckons the US called the Shari’ah, and that this worldwide revolution will see it implemented inshaa’allah (God willing) very very soon."
Read more: http://www.standupamericanow.org/counter-protest-to-anjem-choudary-sharia-rally-in-washington-dc
A U.S. Muslim group is planning a demonstration featuring controversial British imams who are advocating for the implementation of Sharia law in the United States. Rather than simply banning or protesting the event, it should not only be permitted, but become a prime-time television broadcast.
“The event is a rally, a call for the Sharia, a call for the Muslims to rise up and establish the Islamic state in America,” said Imam Anjem Choudary, one of the proposed speakers. The Islamic Thinker's Society has scheduled the event for March 3 and organizers claim it will be held in front of the White House.
Read more: http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=42010#
Indeed, Choudary, who is slated to travel to the United States this week for a rally in front of the White House, led the now-banned British organization al-Muhajiroun, an organization associated with 15 percent of those who have been arrested for terrorism related offenses in the U.K. in the last decade. Al-Muhajiroun founder Omar Bakri, incidentally, was recently convicted in Lebanon of training al-Qaeda recruits.
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2011/03/01/thedc-analysis-radical-muslim-cleric-anjem-choudary-may-be-a-fraud-and-a-clown-but-he-is-still-dangerous/#ixzz1FMY1gr23
Read more: http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=42010#
Indeed, Choudary, who is slated to travel to the United States this week for a rally in front of the White House, led the now-banned British organization al-Muhajiroun, an organization associated with 15 percent of those who have been arrested for terrorism related offenses in the U.K. in the last decade. Al-Muhajiroun founder Omar Bakri, incidentally, was recently convicted in Lebanon of training al-Qaeda recruits.
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2011/03/01/thedc-analysis-radical-muslim-cleric-anjem-choudary-may-be-a-fraud-and-a-clown-but-he-is-still-dangerous/#ixzz1FMY1gr23