The Obama regime is often driven to extremes when it comes to paying off those who’ve paid them off. Joining General Electric in the pantheon of crony socialism, is another Obama favorite that has been in the news of late: Solyndra. Solyndra, a San Francisco based solar panel company that received a $535 million loan guarantee just weeks after Obama was sworn in, has declared bankruptcy. Just a few months ago, ABC News revealed that one of the major financial backers for Solyndra is also a major donor to the Obama campaign. The donor, Steve Westley, has subsequently been named to the President's Energy Advisory Board.
The growing scandal also includes George Kaiser, one of the lead private investors in Solyndra, an Oklahoma billionaire who raised more than $50,000 for Obama's 2008, presidential campaign. His firm, Argonaut Ventures and its affiliates have been the single largest shareholder of Solyndra, according to SEC filings and other records. This among other things have prompted an FBI raid of corporate headquarters. Federal agents have expanded their examination, visiting the homes of the company's CEO and two of its executives, examining computer files and documents.
This company was supposed to be part of Obama's "green-jobs explosion," says Ed Morrissey at Hot Air. Now it's "a poster child for the failure of his stimulus, his green-jobs push, and social engineering in general." Obama said Solyndra would demonstrate the effectiveness of his economic policies, and it did — the company never made a profit, and instead of creating jobs, it sent 1,100 people into the unemployment line. Obama's crony socialism is as corrupt as it is utterly, dismally unsuccessful.
ObamaCare... still unconstitutional
In December of last year, in a stinging rebuke to the Obama regime, Virginia U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson, invalidated a key provision of the socialized health care scam, saying that it "exceeds the constitutional boundaries of congressional power." He correctly ruled that forcing Americans to buy something they might not need, want or can afford, would "invite unbridled exercise of the federal police powers."
In January of this year Justice Roger Vinson of the U.S. District Court in Pensacola, Florida, ruled that the primary mechanism used by the health reform legislation to achieve universal insurance coverage–the individual mandate–is illegal.“Because the individual mandate is Unconstitutional, the entire Act must be declared void," Judge Vinson writes.Then the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta ruled just last month, that the provision in Obama's socialized health care law requiring citizens to buy health insurance, is Unconstitutional. A correct ruling again, as it would imperil individual liberty.
Now on September 13, 2011, Pennsylvania Federal District Judge Christopher Conner found that Congress exceeded its powers under the federal Constitution, when it included in the act Obama signed into law last year, a provision requiring almost all Americans to have medical insurance whether they want it or not, starting in 2014. Yes, the individual mandate in President Obama's so-called health care overhaul, is still Unconstitutional.
Attack Watch, new Obama campaign siteAs the 2012, presidential campaign gears up, Obama just launched a "smear-fighting" campaign website, AttackWatch.com. Obama is enlisting the aid of supporters to spy on fellow citizens and report to him anything that could be construed as criticism or an “attack.”
Among the crimes for which you are asked to snitch on your neighbors, friends and family are “forwarded emails”, “public statements”, “rumor” and “website/blogs.” Deservedly so, this makes Obama look like a creepy, authoritarian nut job. Much like Obama's failed presidency, AttackWatch.com has become the laughing stock of the Internet. Some reports have come in already:
- #attackwatch, I saw 6 ATM’s in an alley, killing a Job. It looked like a hate crime!
- #attackwatch I'd like to report my neighbor - Bob, for surreptitiously scraping the Obama sticker off the bumper of his Prius..
- #attackwatch I just saw several people refuse to eat their peas. Do you have a SWAT team?
Computer software models running on super computers are the basis for estimates of humankind's contribution to global warming. NASA announced new evidence, with data gathered by the Terra Earth-orbiting satellite, that these models and the global warming forecasts they make are wrong. The projections vastly overestimate the impact of humanity's carbon footprint and its effect on climate. NASA's Terra satellite, which has been observing Earth since its launch in December 1999, monitors the heat transferred from our atmosphere into space, as well as the heat delivered into the atmosphere by the sun's energy. The satellite observations suggest there is much more energy lost to space during and after warming than the climate models show. There is a huge discrepancy between the [actual] data and the [computer-based] forecasts that is especially big over the oceans. Sorry Mr. Obama and Mr. Gore, you'll have to figure out how to scam the citizens of America some other way.