Saturday, September 17, 2011


Solyndra's collapse proves Obamanomics has failed

The Obama regime is often driven to extremes when it comes to paying off those who’ve paid them off. Joining General Electric in the pantheon of crony socialism, is another Obama favorite that has been in the news of late: Solyndra. Solyndra, a San Francisco based solar panel company that received a $535 million loan guarantee just weeks after Obama was sworn in, has declared bankruptcy. Just a few months ago, ABC News revealed that one of the major financial backers for Solyndra is also a major donor to the Obama campaign. The donor, Steve Westley, has subsequently been named to the President's Energy Advisory Board.

The growing scandal also includes George Kaiser, one of the lead private investors in Solyndra, an Oklahoma billionaire who raised more than $50,000 for Obama's 2008, presidential campaign. His firm, Argonaut Ventures and its affiliates have been the single largest shareholder of Solyndra, according to SEC filings and other records. This among other things have prompted an FBI raid of corporate headquarters. Federal agents have expanded their examination, visiting the homes of the company's CEO and two of its executives, examining computer files and documents.

This company was supposed to be part of Obama's "green-jobs explosion,"
says Ed Morrissey at Hot Air. Now it's "a poster child for the failure of his stimulus, his green-jobs push, and social engineering in general." Obama said Solyndra would demonstrate the effectiveness of his economic policies, and it did — the company never made a profit, and instead of creating jobs, it sent 1,100 people into the unemployment line. Obama's crony socialism is as corrupt as it is utterly, dismally unsuccessful.

ObamaCare... still unconstitutional

In December of last year, in a stinging rebuke to the Obama regime, Virginia U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson, invalidated a key provision of the socialized health care scam, saying that it "exceeds the constitutional boundaries of congressional power." He correctly ruled that forcing Americans to buy something they might not need, want or can afford, would "invite unbridled exercise of the federal police powers."

In January of this year Justice Roger Vinson of the U.S. District Court in Pensacola, Florida, ruled that the primary mechanism used by the health reform legislation to achieve universal insurance coverage–the individual mandate–is illegal.“Because the individual mandate is Unconstitutional, the entire Act must be declared void," Judge Vinson writes.

Then the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta ruled just last month, that the provision in Obama's socialized health care law requiring citizens to buy health insurance, is Unconstitutional. A correct ruling again, as it would imperil individual liberty.

Now on September 13, 2011, Pennsylvania Federal District Judge Christopher Conner found that Congress exceeded its powers under the federal Constitution, when it included in the act Obama signed into law last year, a provision requiring almost all Americans to have medical insurance whether they want it or not, starting in 2014. Yes, the individual mandate in President Obama's so-called health care overhaul, is still Unconstitutional.

Attack Watch, new Obama campaign site

As the 2012, presidential campaign gears up, Obama just launched a "smear-fighting" campaign website, Obama is enlisting the aid of supporters to spy on fellow citizens and report to him anything that could be construed as criticism or an “attack.” Brown shirts, the Gestapo, unions going bonkers, lies repeated as truth, and huge inflation- where have I seen this before? Call it a Civilian Defense Force. Or call it Obama’s KGB. Among the crimes for which you are asked to snitch on your neighbors, friends and family are “forwarded emails”, “public statements”, “rumor” and “website/blogs.” Deservedly so, this makes Obama look like a creepy, authoritarian nut job. Much like Obama's failed presidency, has become the laughing stock of the Internet. Some reports have come in already:

  • #attackwatch, I saw 6 ATM’s in an alley, killing a Job. It looked like a hate crime!

  • #attackwatch I'd like to report my neighbor - Bob, for surreptitiously scraping the Obama sticker off the bumper of his Prius..

  • #attackwatch I just saw several people refuse to eat their peas. Do you have a SWAT team?
NASA Says Computer Models Wrong About Global Warming

Computer software models running on super computers are the basis for estimates of humankind's contribution to global warming. NASA announced new evidence, with data gathered by the Terra Earth-orbiting satellite, that these models and the global warming forecasts they make are wrong. The projections vastly overestimate the impact of humanity's carbon footprint and its effect on climate. NASA's Terra satellite, which has been observing Earth since its launch in December 1999, monitors the heat transferred from our atmosphere into space, as well as the heat delivered into the atmosphere by the sun's energy. The satellite observations suggest there is much more energy lost to space during and after warming than the climate models show. There is a huge discrepancy between the [actual] data and the [computer-based] forecasts that is especially big over the oceans. Sorry Mr. Obama and Mr. Gore, you'll have to figure out how to scam the citizens of America some other way.

"In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
- - George Orwell

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Restore America Now - Ron Paul 2012

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man; brave, hated, and scorned. When his cause succeeds, however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."

- - Mark Twain

Saturday, March 19, 2011

House panel rejects EPA's greenhouse gas rules

With mostly GOP support, a U.S. House panel voted to stop the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating greenhouse gas emissions, a central tenet of President Obama's climate agenda.

By a vote of 34-19, the House Energy and Commerce Committee passed a bill Tuesday that would strip the EPA of its authority under the Clean Air Act to limit the emissions of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases from power plants, oil refineries and other sources. All Republicans voted in favor, along with three Democrats: Reps. John Barrow of Georgia, Jim Matheson of Utah and Mike Ross of Arkansas.

GOP leaders said they'd seek approval from the full House before the Easter recess, and Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., is adding his version of the measure to an unrelated small-business bill before the Senate.

"Make no mistake – if we allow the EPA to move forward unchecked, its actions will only drive gasoline and other energy prices higher," panel chairman Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., said. He says EPA rules would raise gas prices by boosting costs for refineries that would be passed on to consumers.
Read full article by Wendy Koch at USA Today here:

New Hampshire passes anti-UN and anti-NAFTA bills

One resolution urges Congress to withdraw the U.S. from the North American Free Trade Agreement. The other urges Congress to withdraw the U.S. from the United Nations "so that the United States may retain its sovereignty and control over its own funds and military."
Both were sponsored by Rep. Norman Tregenza, a Silver Lake Republican and first-term representative who belongs to the John Birch Society.
The NAFTA bill passed the House, 172-124.
The UN bill passed the House, 189-107.
"Industry is leaving America because of a variety of reasons, of which NAFTA is a key reason," Tregenza said. He said NAFTA increased regulations on businesses, forcing companies to move manufacturing jobs overseas to remain competitive.
Tregenza said withdrawing from the U.N. is an issue of sovereignty and money. The United States pays a large portion of U.N. costs to help other nations, and U.S. taxpayers pay diplomats' salaries.
Read complete article by Shira Schoenberg in the Concord Monitor at:

Bailout Coming for the Postal Service?

The U.S. Postal Service is in financial trouble. Undermined by advances in electronic communication, weighed down by excessive labor costs and operationally straight-jacketed by Congress, the government’s mail monopoly is running on fumes and faces large unfunded liabilities. Socialism apparently has its limits.
While the Europeans continue to shift away from government-run postal monopolies toward market liberalization, policymakers in the United States still have their heads stuck in the 20th century. That means looking for an easy way out, which in Washington usually means a bailout.
Self-interested parties – including the postal unions, mailers, and postal management – have coalesced around the notion that the U.S. Treasury owes the USPS somewhere around $50-$75 billion. (Of course, “U.S. Treasury” is just another word for “taxpayers.”) Policymakers with responsibility for overseeing the USPS have introduced legislation that would require the Treasury to credit it with the money.
Full article at:

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Today, the House of Representatives voted 228-192 in favor of stripping federal funding from National Public Radio (NPR). The vote on the bill, which was introduced by Representative Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.), took place after an hour of heated debate.
The legislation bars any of NPR’s affiliate radio stations across the country from receiving federal funds. It was introduced by Lamborn as a stand-alone bill after he tried unsuccessfully to strip funding from NPR last year.
“I want NPR to stand for National Private Radio,” observed Lamborn. “They can and should stand on their own two feet.”
The CPB received $420 million in federal funding last year, and with the nation facing a $1.6 trillion budget deficit this year, Republicans turned their attention to NPR, which has been the subject of controversy in recent months.
Senator Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) has introduced in the Senate similar legislation to today's House bill to defund NPR. However, it seems unlikely that the Senate would consider the measure, particularly because President Obama has long defended federal funding for NPR.
Full article at:

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Gaza residents celebrate terror attack in the West Bank

A Palestinian man offers sweets to Hamas policemen in the streets of the southern Gaza Strip town of Rafah to celebrate the terrorist attack which killed five Israelis in the town of Itamar

Israel hunted for the perpetrators of a grisly murder of a family of five in a remote West Bank settlement Saturday.

The knife attack, which killed two young children, a baby and their parents as they slept, was the deadliest in years.

In Gaza, a Hamas official applauded the attack and local residents celebrated the killing of the settlers.

Read more at:

Horror in Samaria: A terrorist infiltrated the West Bank settlement of Itamar, southeast of Nablus, early Saturday and stabbed five family members to death.

The terrorist who carried out the massacre cut the fence surrounding Itamar and entered the home of the victims through the window, an initial probe of the murder showed.

Read more at:

Media reports said a baby girl of three months, two children aged three and 11, and their parents Ehud and Ruth Vogel were all stabbed to death in the Friday night attack in Itamar near the Palestinian town of Nablus.

The radio said the killer or killers had managed to get past an electric fence surrounding the settlement, which was targeted in a 2002 attack by Palestinian assailants when a woman and three children were killed.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility but Al-Quds (Jerusalem) Brigades, the armed wing of the hardline Islamic Jihad, condoned the attack as an act of resistance against Israeli occupation of Palestinian land.

Read more at:

Rafah residents hand out candy following murder of parents, three children in West Bank settlement of Itamar.

Gaza residents from the southern city of Rafah hit the streets Saturday to celebrate the terror attack in the West Bank settlement of Itamar where five family members were murdered in their sleep, including three children.

Residents handed out candy and sweets, one resident saying the joy "is a natural response to the harm settlers inflict on the Palestinian residents in the West Bank."

Read more at:,7340,L-4041106,00.html

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Islamists to March in Washington: Muslim Cleric in Favor of Sharia Law Plans White House Protest

A Muslim cleric who called Americans “the biggest criminals” during a recent interview has announced he will hold a protest outside the White House, according to the Daily Mail.
Anjem Choudary, who once said “the
flag of Islam will fly over the White House,” says he will lead a demonstration rallying Muslims to establish Sharia law across the United States.
Choudary, 43, called Americans “the biggest criminals in the world today” during an interview with Fox News’
Sean Hannity this month.
Read more:

As expected, Muslims across the world have started to lock arms in their quest to impose Shariah Law (Islamic Law) on all. For the most part, Muslims in America had confined this call to their barracks.... errr, I mean Mosques and Islamic conferences. Now, in a brazen display of united force, Muslims calling for the adoption of Shariah in this country plan to march near the White House on March 3rd. The leader of the pack is the U.K.'s Anjem Choudary, a Muslim cleric.
Read more:

Hardline Muslim leader, Anjem Choudary, is calling for a protest, a call for Revolution, here in the United States on March 3, in front of the White House. He is rallying thousands of Muslims together to proclaim that Sharia Law be instituted in the United States of America.

Choudary says:
"We hereby call upon the Muslims in the US, particularly in New York, Michigan, Chicago and Washington DC to take lessons from their Muslim brothers and sisters in North Africa and the Middle East and rise to implement the Shari’ah in America.
On 3rd March 2011, at Pennsylvania Avenue, outside the White House, the Muslims will let the tyrant Barack Obama and the American people know that a new constitution beckons the US called the Shari’ah, and that this worldwide revolution will see it implemented inshaa’allah (God willing) very very soon."

Read more:

A U.S. Muslim group is planning a demonstration featuring controversial British imams who are advocating for the implementation of Sharia law in the United States. Rather than simply banning or protesting the event, it should not only be permitted, but become a prime-time television broadcast.
“The event is a rally, a call for the Sharia, a call for the Muslims to rise up and establish the Islamic state in America,” said Imam Anjem Choudary, one of the proposed speakers. The Islamic Thinker's Society has scheduled the event for March 3 and organizers claim it will be held in front of the White House.
Read more:

Indeed, Choudary, who is slated to travel to the United States this week for a rally in front of the White House, led the now-banned British organization al-Muhajiroun, an organization associated with 15 percent of those who have been arrested for terrorism related offenses in the U.K. in the last decade. Al-Muhajiroun founder Omar Bakri, incidentally, was recently convicted in Lebanon of training al-Qaeda recruits.
Read more:

Monday, February 28, 2011

Taking in $200 billion a month, the government won't shut down - it would just have to live within it's means

WASHINGTON (AP) — Social Security checks would still go out. Troops would remain at their posts. Furloughed federal workers probably would get paid, though not until later. And virtually every essential government agency, like the FBI, the Border Patrol and the Coast Guard, would remain open.
That’s the little-known truth about a government shutdown. The government doesn’t shut down.

And it won’t on March 5, even if the combatants on Capitol Hill can’t resolve enough differences to pass a stopgap spending bill to fund the government while they hash out legislation to cover the last seven months of the budget year.
The air traffic control system, food inspection, Medicare, veterans’ health care and many other essential government programs would run as usual. The Social Security Administration would not only send out benefits but would continue to take applications. The Postal Service, which is self-funded, would keep delivering the mail. Federal courts would remain open.
The Capitol would remain open, however. Congress is deemed essential, despite its abysmal poll ratings. But they wouldn’t be able to take the elevator up the Washington Monument, visit museums along the National Mall or take a White House tour. National parks would be closed to visitors, a loss often emphasized in shutdown discussions.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

California State and Local Government Pensions

There are over 5,000 retired California government workers currently receiving pensions in excess of $100,000 per year, from the California Public Employees Retirement System.

What happened to our beautiful state? Well... In 1999, heavily pushed by the unions, the California legislature passed a bill that not only increased retirement benefits for public employees, but lowered the retirement age and applied the increased benefits retroactively.

Why is California's economic future bleak? One reason is public employees are retiring as young as 50 and 55. Some are collecting as much as 100% of their salary, annual cost of living raises and lifetime health care benefits. And it's not uncommon to see the same retirees go back to work for the same public agency that they worked for in the first place. Double dipping, as it were.

The Democrats do the bidding of the cubical workers, those state employees, and the Republicans do the bidding of the police and the fire and the prison guards. So one public employees union or another owns just about everybody in Sacramento, along with most cities and county's in the state.

Public sector employees earn about 40% higher salaries and 60% greater benefits than private sector employees. Since California is the only state in the nation that bases it's pensions on it's single highest earning year, the estimated unfunded liabilities for retirement benefits, just for state employees alone, exceeds $100 billion. Most cities and counties in California are now paying between 15% and 20% of their entire budget just to pay for retirement benefits.

The bankrupt L.A. Unified School District (LAUSD), will be spending nearly 1/3 of their budget on unfunded liability retirement benefits between pension and retiree health care. To further burden the taxpayer, L.A. Unified has undertaken a huge school building project. Over 100 new schools will be built at the cost of $20.1 billion. With enrollment dropping close to 7% since the start of the decade, (it's estimated over 100,000 empty seats will exist in the LAUSD by the year 2012), this boondoggle will be of massive proportion.

The estimates for pensions and retirement benefits could take up to 10% of the state budget. The yearly cost for state employees pensions in 2001, was about $160 million. The current annual cost for state pensions in California is now estimated at $3.4 billion. That's only for pension costs, that doesn't include the retiree health care costs in which the state of California owes right around $60 billion.

Because of this irreversible decision, made by these thieving politicians, in cahoots with the unions 10 years ago, cities and counties may be forced to go bankrupt. These retirement plans, cooked up by the crooks in Sacramento and the unions, are clearly unsustainable. Lets hope not, but unless a reversal of spending is achieved soon, this travesty may be what topples California into a wasteland.